chapter 19- investegations and clinics

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------------------------------somewhere else--------------------------------------

"so explain to me again why we're here?" ms Kim questioned officer Oikawa, staring at the run-down looking building, it looked like a cement block with windows, the front sign read "video projections office". through the glass windows in the front she could see a young man at the front desk, clear y bored with his current position. you actually used to come here for small clips of Disney movies for b/n, they sold them at an affordable price, and b/n enjoyed them. ms Kim had seen you walking in and out of the place on multiple occasions.

"well, ms Kim, the camera footage from those very important clips of our only suspects happened to be in extremely terrible resolution. the reason we are here is to pick them up, and get a clear description of the three that tailed her all the way home. I told them to get newer models, but they chose t keep the barely functioning ones because it was too much money." he chirped back to the visibly-annoyed woman, who was staring back at him with an irritated look. he's a cop for god's sake? how is he so happy all the time?

"well, let's get a move on then," she grumbled, hoping to get a good view of who took you. she knew how the government worked most of the time, they were totally going to push this back as a "runaway case", and try to push things in their favor. she'd worked with people like this in the past, so she knew damn well that she was going to have to do this herself, at least until she proved it to be a top priority. that's why she hired the private investigation team.

"oh- okay ms Kim" officer. Oikawa spoke as the older women grasped his hand, dragging him through the parking lot, entering the doors which gave a small jingle. the boy sitting a the counter with his head on the desk perked up, he had developed a small crush on the girl who would come in and out of his dad's store, no one else ever really did, so he was hoping that it would be you, it wasn't though, feeding into the disappointment from the past few days of your absence.

"Welcome to Lilith's camera and photography service, how can I help you today?" he spoke in a flat-fake tone, his voice emanating disappointment. the women stopped for a moment, before staring at the boy, then disregarding the rude behavior of the teen.

" There is a rated document that was sent here earlier this week, under the name Oikawa?" the officer asked, bending his head slightly to get a better view of the young teen. the boy just nodded his head and scuttled away to the back, clearly scared of the intimidating man. he went through the threshold of the wooden door, going into the storage room where his father kept all of the copied CDs of footage. he looked for the file "Oikawa" and successfully found the manilla-colored paper file, picking up the long and thin container, and bringing it out to the two scary people waiting in the front lounge.

"h-here's your footage, you prepared so nothing is required. just take it," he spoke, shoving the file into the man's hand, and pointing towards the door. the two suspiciously looked at the ten, he was acting all scared, why? then again, officer oikawa was very tall, and he wore a strict police uniform, he probably looked scary to the kid.

the two exited the building, staring at the folder that held one of the key components to this investigation, ms kim wanted to rip it open and see the contents. yes, she did want to get you back, but she also wanted to find some things out. like the reasons you would flinch at sudden movements, or the fear of loud noises and being alone, she had a few theories. some more... brutal than others, she was going to use this time to dig deep into your home life.

"what the hell? its empty?"

-----------------------------------------with the family-----------------------------------------------------------

you had finished eating about an hour ago, and you felt like throwing up intensely right now. you really couldn't stomach so much food at once, due to the starving and malnutriotion your parents so gladly gave you, but your supposed "grandfather" continuously proceeded in giving you more food, and when you attempted to say that you were full, he just pretended as if you never said anything. you couldn't exactly say "no" to these people, so you just took it and let them baby you.

your stomach ached as you sat on your knees next to your uncle, zane, who was staring at you with a worried glance. he knew you would probably feel sick, so he had suggested the others to leave you and him be. he was a doctor, who just so happened to own a multi-million dollar hospital and mental health care business, claiming the title of the family doctor. although it was rare that a fleur ever got hurt, knowing how to deal with organs and human bodies was...beneficial, plus that meant he got to take care of you.

"are you alright y/n? you look pale?" he asked, putting his hand on your arm "comfortingly", he knew that you were in fact, not all right, but the whole "I'm concerned for you" thing would make him sem like a good person, he wanted you to think he was a good person. he usually was cold and calculating, he never did things without knowing he would win, this was probably the first time that he would do something without making sure it would absolutely work, he did keep a backup plan, especially this time.

"n-no I'm great." you spoke with a fake smile plastered across your face, you did not want to show another form of vulnerability in front these people, they had already seen how much yo cared for b/n, and your fear of needles, you were not going to be that girl who just gave up everything all willy nilly, you arent an idiot, and you know that. although you don't exactly hate it here, this home seems unstable, and they were clearly keeping things from you, like the basement thing, if you'd learned anything from your parents, something was A L W A Y S in the basement.

" You know that I can tell you're lying? your not okay and I want to know why, if I had to take a guess, it would be that my father repeatedly shoved things into your mouth even after you told him to stop. I'm right arent I princess?" he spoke in a condescending tone, it like he was scolding two year old, jeez! he was surprisingly correct to you, in fact he was spot on, it was almost creepy how right he was.

"u-uhm yes?" you said back to him, it sounded almost like a question, mainly because you were still thinking off in space about how easy this man could read you so easily. its like he was some therapist or something, wait, was he a therapist? he has that kind of mature look, with the whole glasses and slicked back hair thing, plus the super formal way he dressed, it would make sense. what were you thinking, you hadn't ever even met a therapist?!

"well then, I have to take you to the clinic either way, so lets go now why don't we/" he spoke in a question, even though he wasn't actually asking, this family tended to do that. wait... clinic? you had visited a clinic once in your life, and was not a good experience, the "doctor" was rude and would intentionally pinch you with her long poky nails, just to get a kick out of it. she had to draw blood for something, you still had zero idea what it was for, but you've always had the fear of needles. and the sense that you had a needle in your arm caused a minor panic attack right then and there, the women just told you to 'shut up" and continued on with whatever things she was doing. you intensely shook your head, no doctors for you... hopefully.

" n-no I'm really fine, I d-dont need to see a doctor i-" you started off speaking, stuttering slightly at the thought of more needles going in and out of you, just... ugh. he looked at you with a sympathetic stare, sensing the overall fear, although he didn't want to sedate you to get a better view of the damage done on your body, he feared he would have to, due to the tense fighting stance you had taken. (just you, facing away from him with your arms in line to punch him)

"you're already looking at one, don't worry, I wont hurt you princess'


So I realized how hard it is to update every other night, so scratch that, I'm just updating three times a week.

Anywho this update is long overdue,it's not the best, but it's developing.

Have a wonderfullllll daayyyyyy, byyyeeeee!!


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