7 - Wolves

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I'm still not tired, I've been running for almost an hour and still, I feel like I should run more. The sky is getting dark and I'm in the outer part of town. There are just trees all around me and maybe this is not the best time to venture out here. I barely finished my summer classes and another incident won't help. Yet, my feet are not cooperating as they move forward.

The surroundings is not exactly silent as the evening creatures started to wake up. The cicadas are starting their orchestra, along with the owls and... Maybe one more. I prevented a yawn and poke the straw on my apple juice I've been carrying around.

"Stop following me." I said suddenly feeling tired. I turned to see Chase standing a few meters behind me, wearing a black v neck shirt that fits well not hiding his muscles and perfect for camouflage. He was tailing me for a couple minutes now.

"Go home." He coldly said. His eyes were such curious sights, sapphires in the night.

"I will. Now, go away." I noticed his expression hardens if it is not already.

"Go home now. It's dangerous this late." His voice is still.

"Just stop following me." I'm quite irritated, his persistence is making it hard for me.

"Thalia, Go home." The mention of my name made my skin shiver. He is walking towards me and his long strides are inescapable. "Now." It is a command, with a growl at the end.

"Look who we have here."

"You must be an Alpha."

The hateful voices came from behind. Chase walked past me, I turned to found himself blocking the view of the strangers from me.

I tried to peek.

"Go home now." He whispered to me.
I frowned. I want to walk around. I haven't exercised much.

"An alpha with a human?" Annoying laughter.

"Is she your mate?" Chase growled threatening. His body is radiating this shield like aura.

"An Alpha with a human mate. Looks like we're lucky."

I sipped my apple juice. Thugs and him, maybe this is a nice scene to watch.

"Little girl, why don't you come with me?" Another stepped out from the shadows, it's in front of me. About 10 feet away. His foul smile is disgusting.
I blinked at how he looks dark and creepy.

Chase gripped my wrist. Pulling me close to him. Ok? I thought he wants me to go home. I turned to him. His eyes are dark sapphires. His hand is a tad shaking, of anger maybe.

"Are we in trouble?" I whispered, not really sure if I should walk away or stay.
Then I heard something cracking, snapping, my eyes followed where it is coming and the thugs are evolving? Transforming into...

"Wolves." I mumbled.

*Growl* It's Chase, holding me tighter, making me squeeze the Apple juice. Oh no. My drink.

"Let go." My juice is being crushed, I tried grabbing it with my other hand. But he pulled me, walking sideways where there are no wolves. When my back was in a tree,

"Stay here, no matter what, don't move." He commanded, but his eyes were soft, afraid? So I nod.

He fully faced the wolves.

A wolf with dark brown patches lunged at him, but he tackled it and threw it on the side and it snarled back. Now two wolves run for him. I closed my eyes. I don't want to see this. I don't want to see blood and him. I don't want to know if he's hurt or not. I closed my eyes tightly. I heard someone shout. My box of apple juice now crushed on my hold, trying to form my hand in fists. I inhaled but regretted it, smelling blood. I bit my lip, feeling suddenly hot. I can't feel my heart but I can hear thuds and growls and breaking. I... hate it. Then, something warm touched my skin, a hand. I closed my eyes even tighter.

"It's safe now, open your eyes now." I shook my head. I don't want to. What if... what if... there will be blood. I don't want to see it now.

"It's ok, Thalia. It's me." I slowly opened my eyes, finding his blue ones. Unrecognizable yet familiar.

My eyes were to look at the scene behind him, but he held my chin

"No, eyes on me." My brows furrowed. I sniffed, as I gulped.

"Let's go home." He said and he slowly pulled me closer, I caught a glimpse of something lying on the ground.

"Eyes on me." He commanded but much less cold.

I obeyed and we walked until he asked me to get in his car. I did.

As the driver seats door closed, I found him running his hand on his hair.

"Damn those rogues." He whispered under his breath.

"Are you ok?" I asked, he looked at me like he should be the one asking that.

"Are you hurt?" He asked not answering my question. Hurt? What does he mean by that?

"I'm not injured."

"Good." Then he started the engine and drove.

But I found that the road is heading away from my home.

"Where are you taking me?"

"It's not safe anymore."

I looked around. We're driving on a dirt road.

"Is it because of what the... they said?"
He did not answer. Sure he will not answer.

So, i pulled my hoodie up and hugged myself. I don't want to go with him but I'm pretty sure that he's against any of my protest. I don't want to argue.
An alpha with a human mate. It rolled on and on in my mind. Clearly that... guy was talking about me, he called Chase an alpha and I was the only one with him.
An alpha with a human mate.

Does being saved means that someone cares? Or was it just guilt?
But being saved does not mean you got out of trouble, it is only when it begins.

(hope you enjoy reading. Please bear with the typos, for now.)

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