Chapter Thirty

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                         N I K O L A I

"I love you, Belle. Why will I leave you and our baby." I said as she look up at me with big eyes looking fucking adorable.

"Promise?" She asked and I nodded before peaking her pout.

"I promise. Till death do us apart, Remember?"

"What if I leave you one day." She asked and I pursed my lip into a thin line. Like I would let her.

"I'll get you back." I replied.

"What if you never find me?"

Her words stung me. I know she didnt mean to hurt me but it did. Fifteen years ago, someone asked me the same question and I lost that person.

“Nico?” Melania called out and I hummed before turning my gaze towards her. “What if I went missing one day?” She asked.

“I'll find you.” I replied simply and she frowned at me.

“What if you never find me?” She asked again and I frowned this time. I grabbed both her hands into my tiny hands and look straight into her ocean eyes.

“I will, Melli. I will find you no matter what.” I said and she giggled before peaking my right cheek and my face heated up.

“Oh Nico, you're so sweet.”

"Nick, are you listening." Belle shook me and I snapped out of my daydream. "I asked what will you do if you never find me?"

I smile at her before placing a soft kiss on the tip of her nose. "I will, Belle. I will find you even if I had to flip the whole world."

"Now, come on. Let's get you some sleep." I said and laid her down and laid down beside her before pulling her into my arms. I wrapped her arm around her bump and surprisingly she didn't protest.

After sometime she fell asleep and I slowly unwrapped my arm before standing up. I walked towards the balcony and lit up my cigarette.

Suddenly, my phone rang and I quickly pulled it out, scared that it may woke Belle up.

"What the fuck do you need." I hissed at the person on the other side.

"I think you mean to say, ‘oh thank you so much Louisa. I own you my life’ Mr arsehole." Louisa said sarcastically and I let out a heavy sigh.

"I already thanked you a week ago and I don't like repeating things so, do the universe a favour and go to sleep and leave me alone."

"Hey wait! Hung up on me and I'll kidnapped your lovely pregnant wife and I swear, this time you won't find her." She threatened and I groaned.  This woman.

"What do you want?" I asked and I heard her chuckle on the other side.

"If it was other time, I could have asked a blank cheque but right now I need something more important then that." She said and her voice turned low towards the last.

"What is it?" I hissed in annoyance. "Bark. I don't have time."

"The fuck? You said what? Do I look like your dog that you are telling me to bark?" She yelled at me and I accidentally hung up. She is so going to bite off my head.

I quickly switched off my phone and threw it randomly before throwing away the half-burned cigarette and walking back inside.

I laid down on the bed before pulling Belle into my arms and she stir making me freeze.

"Nick." She called out as she turn back to face me and I cupped her face.

"Do you need something?" I asked her and she shook her head before sitting up and I sat up and gave a light squeeze on her shoulders.

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