Part 15

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We're going book shopping today. 


It's been drizzling again today, I swear it rains more than in winter. Kat's come down with a summer cold, and my brother's been sitting playing games with her and making her food for days. He's already wrapped around her finger, and he doesn't even know it. Fern's been busy too. In the string of bad weather days my mom's taught her to paint using a variety of different tools, and she's actually pretty good at it. 

Which just leaves me and Christian to go to the bookstore. Even better.

It's been nice having him as more than just a friend of my brothers. The stolen glances, murmurs when no one else is around, and quiet kisses in corners late at night make it seem so real. I could almost melt just by the way he looks at me, let alone the way he makes me feel.

I won't lie, I am still nervous about her future. I don't want to get so swept up into him, because if I allow myself to fall too fast I know something will happen. We have so much history, and I really don't think I could live myself if we were to implode and Christian ended up hurt. 

Although, he's really testing my ability to stay on my feet. He's just got that charm to him, which is practically impossible to resist. 

"Alright, we'll be back in a bit, see you guys later!" I yell to everyone in the house as I walk out the front door. Christian follows behind me, shutting the door before jogging to catch up with me. We stay distanced while we walk up the path, just incase anyone looking out the back windows of the house. Once we round the corner though, Christian's hand immediately finds mine, wrapping his fingers tightly around mine. He swoops down and kisses my cheek, pulling me closer and pulling the tote bag off my arm, moving it to his instead. 

"Christian! I can carry my own bag you know." I say, laughing as his face screws up from the sudden weight of my bag.

"What is in this thing? 2 full water bottles, a pencil case, a first aid kit, an extra jacket... why do you have so much stuff?" he asks, actual concern crossing his face.

"Hey, that's packing light, I could've brought more, give it back if it's too heavy for you." I squeak, trying to pull the bag off his arm. 

"Nuh uh, I brought you here, I'm carrying it!" he says, holding the bag above his head. Christian said he needed to go into town to get a book for one of his classes, and the second he said bookstore I was up and ready, so we decided to go together, but act like it was separately. 

I jump, trying to grab the bag Christian's placed far above his head, but I can't reach. Stupid long arms. I jump again, bending my knees to gain more height, although this time Christian catches me, wrapping a strong arm around my waist. I'm surprised he's holding me up, I mean, I know he's strong but he's only holding me with one arm, my feet dangling in the air. I instinctively wrap my arms around his neck, my fingers messing with the ends of his hair. A small smile spreads quickly across his face as we both lean closer to each other. 

My lips capture his, and I can feel him smirk against them. The kiss is only short, but I can feel heat rising inside of me, like every other time he kisses me. Christian sets me back down on the ground, but doesn't give me my bag back. Instead, he squats infront of my slightly.

"Hop on."

You don't have to ask me twice, if it gets me out of walking I'm there. I jump onto his back, wrapping my legs around his torso. Christian doesn't even stumble, he just continues walking along the path into town. I lean my head down onto his shoulder, planting a soft kiss on the back of his neck as I do so. The neck of his sweater is soft, it almost feeling like a pillow. 

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