Chapter 18

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"You're really spending Valentine's Day with the hockey player?"

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"You're really spending Valentine's Day with the hockey player?"

"Luna, you know he has a name right? Also it is an anti Valentines day, we are in protest of the stupid holiday not celebrating it."

"I know and I choose not to use it. You know not too long ago you were also a hockey player anti with me, now you've joined the dark side."

"I haven't joined the dark side Lun, you're being dramatic. Besides he is the only person around tonight, you all have dates except me."

"By choice Fran, you could pull a guy or girl easily but you're choosing to spend the night with Ryder."

"And the rats," I remind her as if that helps my case. In my mind it does but in my friends eyes we are basically married with kids. I think they are overanalyzing this Ryder situation. We spend a lot of time together, but there is no law that says guys and girls can't be platonic friends. Besides, no one else really gets us like we get each other. I can bitch to Ryder about things like a new skill taking longer than I hoped and it is like I am talking to my clone, he can relate perfectly to what I am saying.

"Whatever Fran just, be careful ok?"

"I feel absolutely nothing for Ryder, Luna, I swear." She doesn't look convinced but lets it go to finish her makeup before Tristian picks her up. I hug her while grabbing my backpack full of movies and snacks to head to Ryders. "You look gorgeous as always Lun, love you."

"Love you, Fran."

I decide to walk to Ryders even though he offered me a ride because I feel bad constantly bumming rides from him. The weather is still shitty but I spent 2 and a half years always walking so I don't mind this. Besides I rarely get alone time so the walking gives me time to sort my life out a little.

I mostly think about my brothers coming at the end of the week. I have a lot to do to prepare for their visit. I would like to grade all the quizzes before they show up and I also wanted to clean the apartment. Also, I usually skate at open skate Saturday morning at the rink but I can't so I need to text Barb and see if maybe I can get in a little bit of time Friday morning. I also want to show my brothers a good time so I need to find plans we can all do since I am underage and can't go to bars. On top of them coming, competition is in two weeks and I still need to make costume decisions so Maya can do the alterations for me. Plus my test on Wednesday and my two next week. I have a paper coming up. Can't forget the class I TA for has another exam coming up so I have to be extra available for them for extra help.

By the time I reach Ryders my head is throbbing trying to sort out my busy schedule. I know by now the door is always open so I let myself in and walk straight to the bathroom to splash cold water on my face. I didn't think Ryder heard me walk in so when he opens the bathroom door I jump in surprise. Does anyone in this house knock?

"You ok, Beck?" As always Ryder is in a backwards hat but instead of his usual joggers or jeans he is in plaid pajama pants with no shirt.

"Fine, just got a lot going on."

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