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Athena Pov

Rome comes back unexpectedly while I am in the middle of my exercise. He smiles when I look up and I look away to hide mine.

We’ve been civil to each other, avoiding talking about the kisses we shared. Sometimes I think it’s better that way, and we’ll forget in time. At times, I just want to jump on him and kiss him fervently.

He stands for a while absentmindedly he then quickly shakes his head back to reality.

“I brought you something.” He announces.

“What?” I stand on my toes and bounce back altogether curious and self-conscious of my attire.

I hold my breath as he walks towards me. I take a step back once he’s in front of me, afraid he’ll smell my sweat.

“Open it.” He hands me the box.

I sigh and take it. I do not like surprises. Mason calls me a bore for that, he doesn’t know that his actions are the reason I hate surprises.

I open the box and see a pot with a young aloe Vera plant.

“Many times I saw how you tended to the plant and the amount of time you dedicated to it. You must be missing it.”

I return my gaze to the plant after glaring at him. I’m at a loss for words. Too many emotions are coursing through my veins. He shouldn’t care what I like or dislike, if he cared at all. I am far too easy with my emotions, and simple acts of kindness cost me dearly. That’s probably why Mason had such an easy time reeling me in.

When I look up, he is waiting for my response. His face looks hopeful though I badly want to call him out for it. Yes, we kissed I don’t want him to feel obliged to be nice to me.

“Where do I keep it? ” I ask instead because the balcony in the kitchen is full of boxes.

“My bedroom has a balcony; you can keep it there for now.” he says as he looks up at me. “If that’s okay with you,”

I give it a thought, “I will just show you how to strategically place it and you can be watering it.” I did have an agreement with Esme that I will stay out of their bedroom. And I intend to do that. I have no business being there.

His face is masked with disappointment. Something I often succeed in.

He carries the plant and I follow him. I hesitate outside his bedroom with second thoughts. If I walk in I will feel like I am invading their privacy and intimate experiences.

“I told Esme I will stay out of your bedroom.”

“In exchange for what?”

“She keeps my Aloe vera alive.”

Rome breaks into a fit of laughter. “And you believed her?”

I huff, “Fine.” I walk in and stop by the door surprised at how huge it is. It looks like a kings chamber and is very organized. Which I would not expect from Rome. He can’t even rinse a plate!

“Wow!” I can hide my impression.

I become curious, my initial mission procrastinated at the present. My eyes roam around it, it is just the bed, night stand and a wardrobe. Simple and minimal.

“Come, ” Rome requests, and I follow him to his balcony. He puts it down and lets me find a spot. I opt where the sun faces in the morning.

“Why do you love it?” Rome asks behind me. I caress its thorny edges and pinch it to presume how succulent it will be in time.

“It is the most powerful and resilient plant I can t think of. It is bitter yet soothing to the skin after a sunburn. It has endless uses for body both internally and externally. ” I turn to see if he is listening. He is, tentatively. “It can survive at all weathers, It never withers, it patiently waits and when it gets water, it blooms like nothing happened.” just like my marriage and my life. I give him half truth. An aloe Vera plant is very significant to me but I am afraid if I tell him everything. He might think I am crazy for putting so much emotions to a plant.

“I assumed you were depressing, not sentimental ” He says lightly.

“What about you? do you have anything thing that only makes sense to you?” I ask him catching him off guard.

“Mmh..., like what?”

“Anything you attach meaning to,” I say.

He gazes at me lightly, “I have a memory box if that counts.” He says with a hint of embarrassment.

“Really? Am i allowed to see it?” I itch with curiosity to have a sneak peek into his life.

He nods and walk inside the room, and i follow him inside. He goes and opens his wardrobe and brings out a shoebox. I remain standing fearing if i sit i will crease his bed, and furthermore my hands are dirty.

“You can wash your hands in that bathroom.” He notes.

He has his own bathroom but still uses the general one. I oblige and go to wash my hands. It looks abandoned, and I note the suitcases packed and placed inside. It is odd, however, everything about him is odd too. Once done, I come out and he looks startled when he sees me, and there is a photo-like paper that he quickly shoves inside his jacket.

“Maybe this wasn’t a good idea.” He says closing the box, and I am confused at his change of mind, which is unlike him. He is the very least consistent in his behavior.

I decide not to budge into his reasons. Maybe it is for the better, just remain cordial and not bother with each other’s personal lives. Our living together from the beginning has been problematic and this is the first time we are on the same page, it's best it remains so. I don’t want it to go back to where he was full of himself or to the kissing part.

“Okay.” I sigh.

He takes a deep breath before he speaks, “Do you still want to go dancing?” He reminds me that he had told me we would go back dancing again.

I nod, “Sure, let me change.” I leave the room before I get to hear his next comment.

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