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Adeline's POV

I was sitting on the chair and writing something on a paper I usually write whatever happens to me and it somehow make me feel good and less heavy today it wasn't the same I'm still feeling heavy I'm in my room since the morning one of the maid to...

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I was sitting on the chair and writing something on a paper I usually write whatever happens to me and it somehow make me feel good and less heavy today it wasn't the same I'm still feeling heavy I'm in my room since the morning one of the maid told me that jack came and checked on me in the morning

'maybe I'm the problem'

I kept writing this sentence continuously hoping that it'll make me feel less heavy by it didn't

I heard a knock on the door I immediately hide the papers and grabbed a book and pretended that I was reading it
"come in" I said while I was still looking at the book in front of me
"his majesty, the king if kingdom Valentino wants to meet you" the maid said and I immediately looked at her king of kingdom Valentino? maybe his brain is functioning properly now
I shifted my gaze towards the book even though I didn't want to see anyone but he can be an exception
"alright, let him come inside" I said my gaze was still fixed on the book in front of me
the door closed and I took a deep breath before it opened again

"hey" a familiar voice spoke I felt adrenaline rush it was an unfamiliar feeling I was looking at the book in front of me it was a nicely hand written book but I don't know a shit about what it was about
"hey" I replied blankly I felt him staring at me but I didn't look up from the book

"ignoring me?" i heard his deep husky voice and even though I was but why would I even admit it I finally shifted my gaze towards him and damn he was all dressed up in the middle of the night to meet me?
I don't know I don't want delusions to take over my mind his brown hairs were styled beautifully and his hazel brown eyes were looking at me

"no" I replied quietly just a moment ago I wanted to die and right now the person right in front of me makes me want to live....

"what's the book about?" he asked while looking at the book I was pretending to read 'shit' I thought to myself why...why..... I looked at him and chuckled nervously
"this" I said while pointing towards the book
"yup" he replied and my mouth spoke even before I could think about a perfect storyline
"it's a romance book" I replied quickly while looking at him he looked at me while narrowing his eyes
"you don't look like someone who reads romance books" he replied while looking at me a wicked smirk appeared on his face and shit once again I don't know what I was speaking
"the love interests wants to kill each other" I Immediately spoke and I knew I was going to cringe so hard whenever I remember this but it's not the time
"oh....oh....oh" he said while pointing towards the book and dramatically narrowing his eyes

"now that is something you'll actually read" he said while sitting at the edge of my bed I looked at him and of course he wasn't lying I looked at him and I didn't want to look away it is not something I'm supposed to feel I can't let myself be weak for someone

"why are you here?" I finally asked even though I wasn't sure if it might hurt him or not but still I asked
"you want me to go...ah" he said while dramatically grabbing his chest I chuckled at the sight and he smiled in response I immediately hid my smile and looked at him
"no like you're all dressed up that's why I'm asking" I said while pointing at his dress and he looked at his dress and then at me he smiled nervously while scratching the back of his neck
"oh... I heard that you were ill.....that's why I came to check on you" he said nervously and I knew our conversation was growing awkward due to my remark I looked at him
"thanks a lot....I'm feeling quite well now" I said and he smiled sincerely but slightly
"will you come to the practice arena tomorrow" he asked while looking at me happily and I thought about it and replied

"I'll probably come" I said with a smile on my face but I started to feel once again the way I felt last night I didn't want him to leave because I knew what I might do to myself even though I didn't want to do it

"alright then I'll leave take some rest" he said and got up from the bed I felt something in my stomach and looked at him I thought of an excuse to stop him he was about to leave
"wait!" I exclaimed when he was about to walk out he looked back at me and I thought about some excuse

"let's....." I said and he looked at me and it felt like he was reading my mind he looked at me for a second and he immediately backed up from the door and sat on the bed once again
"let's talk about life" he said while smiling his smile was soft and sincere
(-he's a walking green flag I'm a simp for him-)

I looked at him and I wanted to hug him because why not he's cute I want to save him from everyone
"if you're not comfortable with me then..." he said while and started to think I saw a little pout appear on his face as he thought I didn't knew what he might do is he going to leave? I thought to myself and the thing he said make me smile....sincerely

"then let's call jack here as well" he said while replacing the small pout on his face with a sincere smile

"alright" I said as I called one of the maid inside she bowed to me

"bring prince jack here" I said in a commanding tone and atlas looked at me with a questioning gaze the maid bowed
"yes, his majesty" she replied and walked out of the room

he didn't say anything. we waited for a few moments and the door finally creaked open and jack came inside and pointed towards atlas while narrowing his eyes
"why is he here?" he asked while looking at atlas he was wearing comfortable clothes and his hairs were a bit messy and soaked in water it looked like he just came out of bath

"come on bro. we're going to have a late night talk" jack shook him a disgusted look and I chuckled at the sight
"a what?" jack asked while atlas dragged him towards the bed and made him sit
"you'll know" he said and sat beside him and they both made proper space for me to sit basically half of the bed was empty for me sit comfortably atlas grabbed a pillow and placed it on his lap they both were sitting beside each other and I sat in front of them I placed a pillow on my lap as well but I hissed at the sudden pain because of the stabs

they both seem to notice it but they didn't ask anything I sat comfortably and atlas started a random topic

and soon we get comfortable enough with each other to share our little stories with each other

and I don't know when they left the room but when I woke up I was in the same place I was sitting in last night.but there was a blanket covering my body I woke up and sit straight as I remembered

I don't like romance books but still

'the feeling of being truly in love with someone excites me' I thought to myself as I looked at him I wasn't sure if I was in love or if I just liked the way he looks or if I just liked him or if I just wanted to see him because all these things are different

there's a difference between loving someone or just liking someone and I wanted to love someone's soul and not just their mere body

there's a difference between loving someone or just liking someone and I wanted to love someone's soul and not just their mere body

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(the last 2 paragraphs are something I want to say out loud and I hope one day I will)

('the feeling of being truly in love excites me" my 14 year old self came up with these lines I dreamt of someone who's really precious to me but I can't really love them)

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