The Cellar (16)

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Chapter 16 (Day after the bodies were found)

Clover’s POV

I woke up and stretched, I was still so tired but I needed to go to work, I didn’t want anyone suspecting anything after what they found yesterday. After showering and cleaning I went downstairs for breakfast.

“Good morning,” I said as I walked into their room.

“Morning Clover,” they all said in unison although Lily didn’t say my name. Her shyness is actually very attractive but I hope she comes out of her shell a little soon; I’d like us all to get on better as a family.

I sat down and a plate of eggs, bacon, sausages and beans appeared in front of me in seconds. “Thank you Lily.” She smiled and sat down in her seat. There was something about her smile though, she didn’t look happy, maybe she’s not feeling well? “Are you feeling okay Lily?”

“I’m fine,” she replied quietly. I smiled and nodded. Bless her; she didn’t want me to worry. I’ll ask Rose to keep an eye on her and let me know if I need to bring her a couple of paracetamol or something.

“So what are you all planning today?” I asked between bites of bacon.

Rose smiled and put her cutlery down, facing me, “We’re going to do some knitting; we haven’t done any in a while, which reminds me, do you think you’ll be able to pick us up some more wool? We’re getting a little low.”

“Of course, I’ll get some after work.”

“Thank you,” she said gratefully.

 “My pleasure.” I squeezed her hand and returned to my food.

The fact that everyone now knows about the bodies does worry me, it’s only a matter of time before the police want to talk to Helen’s colleagues but I have a plan already so I know that I’ll be fine. It was all her fault in the first place, none of this would have happened if she hadn’t been such a lying, cheating slut.

As soon as I had finished eating I stood up to leave, I couldn’t put this off any longer. “Thank you for breakfast, I’ll see you tonight.”

They all looked a little surprised that I was leaving so quickly, before they had finished and I felt guilty, I’ll have to do something for them to make up for it, maybe I’ll get them some new DVDs and books.

“Okay, we’ll see you later. Have a great day at work,” Rose said at the same time that Poppy and Lily said ‘goodbye’.

I walked into my office and sat behind my desk, sipping the steaming mug of coffee. I had so much to do today so I turned the computer on and got started. The bodies of Helen and the other dirty sluts had been found yesterday and this morning the police made a statement, naming Helen and one other, they did know the identities of some of the others. The atmosphere at work was tense; everyone was so shocked and wouldn’t shut up about it so I kept myself in my office away from them all.

About halfway through the morning I saw a police car pull up and my heart started pounding, David walked out to greet them. I knew they would come here eventually though. Stay calm. There was nothing tying me to them so I just needed to answer their questions and then it would be fine.

Forty minutes later there was a knock on my door. I took a deep breath, “Come in.”

Two officers walked through the door, followed by Tim, the office manager. “Colin, the police need to talk with you now okay?”

I nodded and stood up, gesturing towards the seats. “Please.” Tim smiled and walked out, closing the door behind him.

“This won’t take long; we just have a few questions.”

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