⟣Chapter 115

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TL: Moonlit

Lu Tianjin still hasn’t figured out what these people are up to. They had been heading east all along, but now they stopped here, hidden in the woods. Lu Tianjin couldn’t understand their intentions.

Lu Tianjin was forcefully brought in front of Yin Cheng and Xu Shengfei, two individuals similarly dressed in black robes that concealed their faces. At first glance, they looked like a family.

Yin Cheng examined the black-robed person in front of him with a dark expression, then glanced at Xu Shengfei, who was slightly shorter but also dressed in a black robe.

“Your people?” His tone carried a hint of interest.

Xu Shengfei shook her head, and one of the people beside her answered on her behalf, “They are not wearing the same black robes as the ‘Corpsemother.'”

It was a sign of respect for the “Corpsemother.”

Yin Cheng coldly said, “Take off your hood.”

Just as the person about to do so was about to act, a harsh and unpleasant voice came from beneath the black robe. “We are of the same kind, why should we fight amongst ourselves?”

The harshness of this voice rivaled that of Xu Shengfei.

The people beside Xu Shengfei were all taken aback, looking at the black-robed figure with suspicion.

Yin Cheng sneered, “Playing tricks! Take off your hood!”

Then everyone said, “…”


“What the hell is this?!”

The people nearby were frightened and began to scream, even the ones who had brought Lu Tianjin here hurriedly backed away, terrified by its terrifying appearance. Even Yin Cheng himself took a few steps back in fear.

This was too ugly, even scarier than zombies.

Zombies were commonplace, and humans had already adapted to their appearance. But what on earth was this grotesque, withered creature?

Even uglier than zombies, Lu Tianjin thought. Wasn’t he a handsome guy back in the day?

Yin Cheng frowned deeply, only now realizing that the heavy stench was emanating from this creature right in front of him.

After the apocalypse, a putrid smell lingered in the air year-round. The difference was in its intensity. Outside the metropolis, there were more zombies, and the stench in the air was heavier than inside the metropolis. Moreover, they had someone who could control the zombies constantly moving around them. With the mixture of these smells, they had become careless.

Yin Cheng’s preliminary judgment was that it was a zombie, but it could speak!

Yin Cheng asked, “What exactly are you?”

Within a few steps of Lu Tianjin, there was no one else. It put its hood back on and replied, “I am an Undead.”

A tall and thin youth standing beside Xu Shengfei sneered, “We ‘Undead’ don’t have someone like you.”

Lu Tianjin said, “Sorry, I received unfavorable genes and accidentally mutated.” The group of Undead fell silent.

He felt like he was cursing at someone.

Xu Shengfei, with her hoarse and unpleasant voice, said, “You are not an Undead.”

Lu Tianjin looked at Xu Shengfei, who was also enveloped in a black robe. “Because you can’t control me, you think I’m not an Undead?”

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