Episode 4: the queen of broken hearts

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Amy got home, she threw of her heels and plopped down on the bed. She slept in Ashley's room since her old bedroom was empty. And her mom slept in her old bedroom.
Thinking about how the family split up in almost 4 years made Amy sad. Robie being David's son, her father re-married his first wife, her mom living with Robie in her condo 2 hours away, Ashley being in Italy, and Amy. Being a teen mom and "screwing up my entire life." Amy thought.
Amy's thoughts were taking over her whole mind. She lay down on her sister's bed with outstretched arms and legs. Feeling lost.
"Why am i so stupid? I keep making mistakes and bad choices. Why? Oh God. What did i do? Why did i had sex with Ricky?..." Amy felt lost, again. And guilty. Not for Ricky but for herself. Why did she had sex with Ricky? Why didn't she stop herself?
Amy turned around and fell asleep.
Anne waked into the garage/Ashley's bedroom and saw her daughter still with her dress on sleeping like a baby. "Amy?" Anne called. "Huh?" Amy woke up. "Mom? What time is it? Why did you wake me?" Amy turned around while she was annoyed by her mothers presence. "It's 2 o'clock in the morning. Don't you want to wear your pajamas? And get rid of your make-up?" Anne asked while she sat down on Amy's bed. "No." Amy said. "I'm too tired and it was a long day, getting here by plane, and going over to Ricky's made me tired." Anne smiled. "Oh, okay. I guess i will leave you to get some sleep then."  "O, okay. Mom. Night!" Amy said half asleep. "Goodnight Amy!" 

Amy walked into the kitchen, she just showered and wore a bathrobe. Her mom was making pancakes. "Mmm." Amy said. "It's been a long time since you made pancakes." Anne nodded. "Yeah, i know. I felt like making them and since Ricky and John are coming over i wanted to make them breakfest." Amy's smile turned into disbelief. "Wait, what? When is he coming?" Anne opened the fridge and took some eggs. "Not only he, also your son. They will be here in 20 minutes. I invited them!" Amy still couldn't believe what she was hearing. "But why? John can come, he's my son. But why Ricky?" "Well." Anne said. "You and Ricky want to be friends so i thought i could help a little bit to help you get out of the awkwardness."
"This is not good!" Amy thought. "Okay... I'm gonna get dressed. I'll be right back." Amy said while she walked upstairs.

"Thank you for inviting us, the pancakes are delicious." Ricky said to Anne. "Your welcome, John is my grandson and i never spend much time with him so i wanted to do something nice." Anne said while she gave Ricky another pancake. "So, where's Amy?" Ricky asked.
"She acted all weird this morning and she kinda freaked out when i told her you were coming over." 
Ricky smiled. "I bet she did."
When Amy got into the kitchen she didn't say a word. She only hugged John and got herself a pancake and sat down next to John on the kitchen table. Anne sat next to Ricky. As the awkward silence continued. Anne wondered what was going on. "So, what's going on? You both act odd!" Anne asked while she looked at Ricky and then at Amy. Amy looked at her plate and played with her fork. "Nothing, i just have a jetlag."

"Okay, it was nice in here. Anne thanks for the pancakes." Ricky said while he stood up. "Your welcome." Anne said. "So, Amy. I'll leave John here with you so you can spend time with him!" Amy made eye contact with Ricky. The first eye contact she made that morning. "Yes, i'm gonna spend time with him. I'll drop him of at 8 tonight." Ricky gave John a kiss on his forehead. "See you tonight buddy!" "Bye, bye daddy." John said.

After Ricky left, John stood up and ran into the livingroom, he took some toys and played with it on the floor.
"So." Anne said. "Are you gonna tell me what's going on?" Amy looked from her empty plate to Anne. "Nothing's wrong. I just have a jetlag like i told you and i'm nervous about the future." "Oh, Amy!" Anne said, while she cleaned up the kitchen table. "You don't need to worry. It can always be like this. You can always fly back from New York to see John and we can fly there to see you. And maybe when you and Ricky are friends then he could visit you with John!" Amy nodded. "I guess he could cause we are friends after all. I mean, we have to be friends. For John!" Amy smiled but a thought crossed her mind. "I could be friends with him if i didn't sleep with him. I'm so stupid!"

"Amy, Amy?, Amy!" Anne called.
Amy was dreaming away, lost in her thoughts when she finally realized her mother was calling her name. "Huh? Yes?" Anne had a serious look on her face and sat down, next to Amy. "Are you sure your okay, cause you don't seem very okay?" Amy nodded. "Yes, mom. I'm just so tired and... I don't know?" Anne placed her hand on Amy's shoulder. "You don't need to worry about John if that's what your worried about! He will be okay! Since you left, i've decided to be here a little bit more. For John."
"That's really nice of you, mom." Amy said.
"David's gonna bring Robie today. Cause i miss him and i haven't seen him in almost three days." Anne said.
Amy felt like she was a bad mother after her mom said this. "And i didn't see my son in 2 months, and now i finally see him and i survived that! So i think your gonna survive not seeing yours for three days too!" Amy said, in a harsh way to her mom. "Amy!" Anne said. "That jetlag must take long to get away, cause your not so nice today."
"Must be!" Amy said while she stood up. "Look, I honeslty came back for my son! Not for you, not Ricky, not dad, not Robie. No one but my son. Cause i missed him and i'm his mother and this family is broken.
Me, Ricky and John were a family and we are a broken family!
You, dad, Ashley, Robie and Me were a family but we are also broken. Everything about this family is broken! So i'm making my own little family. Just me and John!"
Anne stood in the kitchen, she had this shocking expression on her face. She felt betrayed by her own daughter. Amy walked into the living room and took John.
"Where are you going?" Anne asked worried. "I'm going to the park, it's beautiful weather outside and i want to spend time with my son! So you can spend time with yours when David drops him off." Without saying anything else, Amy left the house with John and drove to the park.

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