Chapter four: The king of the vampires

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"You're deaths daughter!" The vampire said, looking shocked. I nod.

"I have orders not to harm your 'girlfriend' so you can back off" I say giving, him a death glare.

"Why are you here then?" He demands

"Are you seriously that stupid?" Leo asks him.
The vampire looks at him funny.

"Don't you see, she's the girl from the prophecy!" I say pointing down to Ally.
He looks down and his eyes grow wide.

"No not my Ally she can't be, she can't even use her powers" he says, bringing his hands up to his head.

"Your actually being serious right now, you haven't taught her!" I beam angrily.

"I don't know how to, I'm not an angel" the vampire screams back.

"But I am" Gabriel says, stepping forward. This brought an idea to my head.

"I know, if Gabriel teaches her to use her angel side you let me visit your girlfriend to help me collect one soul"

"Just one soul?" The vampire asks me, uncertain if he can trust me.

"Just one, the one she stopped me from getting, call it pay back if you will" I say, smirking down at the girl on the bed. You stopped me once but you will not stop me again.

"As long as it's not her soul, you've got a deal" he says, speaking the truth.
I brought out my hand for him to shake. He grabbed it firmly and we made the promise.

"I'll start teaching her tomorrow ok?" Gabe says, looking at the vampire. He nods towards him in agreement.

"Oh by the way vampire, what's your name?" Leo asks him. That's a good point I don't even know who he is.

"Adam. Adam Bloodbrook" he says, smiling as he said his name proudly.

"BLOODBROOK!!" I beam, looking at him with shock in my eyes. He nods to me, his sinister grin growing larger by the minute.

"Your the vampire king!" Leo says, him too astonished.

"Yeah so who are all you then? I've met the princess of death what about you two?" He asks, gesturing to the two men beside me.

"I'm not a princess..." I mutter. I hate being called a princess. A princess is innocent, Royal and graceful. I am none of those things. I am dark and sinister and most importantly of all, I'm not afraid to kill.

"You kinda are Raven" Leo says, trying to hide the small smile creeping into his lips.

"Shut up Leo!" I say, glaring at him.

"Well as you now know, my name is Leonardo Hellington" Leo says, smiling at me due to the fact I had revealed his name. I roll my eyes and turn my attention back to the vampire.

"Hellington?" The vampire asks puzzled. Leo nods, proud of his family name.

"Yep, son of THE satan and prince of hell" he says, being modest as usual.

"Impressive, and what about you angel?" Adam says, gesturing to Gabriel.

"I'm angel Gabriel, son of THE angel Gabriel but everyone calls me Gabe" he says simply, he has to verify that he isn't the angle Gabriel everyone thinks he is however he is the captain of the angel guard which is a very powerful in the god world.

"So you're named after your dad?" He asks, Gabe humbly nods.

"Yeah I'm captain of the Angel guard" he says, smiling honestly.

"Alright then now were all introduced this here is Ally Bloodbrook" he says, adding emphasis onto bloodbrook to imply that they are together.

"You're married?" I ask curiously, looking down at the girl. I fail to see a ring.

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