Soviet Surprise

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Robert was about to carry out a rescue mission, no easy task a special forces team would get weeks of prep time and even then things go last time.

Reigistan Desert Afghanistan 2005

A sandstorm was underway this cold desert night, it's almost impossible to get your bearings and it makes defending a small military compound a nightmare at best. But luckily Robert wasn't defending it he was going to attack it head on with another elite solider Sergeant Macaleese and Agent Locke a senior intelligence officer.

The men were wearing lightweight body armour, not great for a full on firefight but perfect for an infiltration.They were also equipped with infrared/night vison goggles and balaclava's to protect their identities.

To remain undetected they had to travel miles on foot, the men were deep behind enemy lines so backup wasn't an option and if they were captured by the enemy they'd be tortured and beheaded, Y'know fun.

The three men had been on foot for days and their sleep deprivation was only getting worse,they were all suffering from hallucinations and were on the verge of developing hypothermia.Having said that they never talked to each other about it they simply pressed on.

"So let me get this straight we are going to break a KGB agent out of a prison occupied by Al Qaida all because command said so?" Macaleese said questioning Locke's reasoning for this black op.

"Yup we're soldiers not bloody politicians so yeah we're doing it coz command said so ." Thatcher said coldly.

"Always the iceman well some things never change." Macaleese said with a smile.

"Look the Russians haven't set foot here scince the 80's,I doubt one of their agents is still here." Macaleese continued.

"Command's sure a KGB asset is in that compound he hasn't left since the 80's,truth be told I'll be surprised if he knows the USSR is no more." Locke said

"Does the FSB know about him." Thatcher.

"Probably but they won't say anything." Locke replied

"You two just love keeping me out of the loop don't you, spare a thought for those of us that don't spend their spare time reading the spy jargon dictionary." Macaleese said

"Sorry the FSB are basically KGB 2.0 and Mac you've been in the regiment long enough you should be reading a spy jargon dictionary in your spare time." Thatcher said jokingly.

The team finally arrived at the compound they put night vision goggles on and sound suppressed their weapons they don't plan on being noticed.they moved in tight formation watching their corners, the further they made it in the compound the more dead Soviet soldiers they encountered. But......

"Can we go back now, I didn't come here all the way from London to stare at some fucking dead Russians, I came here to kill some mother fucking Americans!" The British Taliban member complained.

" Soon brother soon,traveling merchants use these roads and when they do we'll gun them down." The Taliban solider said calmly.

"Okay I get it we gun them down the Americans will here about it and they'll come over here instead of dropping bombs like cowards." The British one said with his finger getting closer to the trigger of his rifle.

"Alright on the count of three. One, two, three." Locke whispered from the shadows and then four bullets emerged from the shadows two of them hit the soldiers centre mass whilst the other two were placed perfectly between the eyes.

Macaleese looked at the two dead men with some remorse even though serial killers have more remorse by comparison, But still the lack of emotion shown by him or Locke pales in comparison to the straight up absence of compassion shown by Thatcher. The man has been serving in the SAS for about twenty years now so some detachment is expected but this was different. For  the past seven years Thatcher had been leading teams to search for WMD's in Iraq, seven years, tedious searches and many dead commrades later Thatcher had nothing to show for it.

Chivalry: Prologue حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن