Chapter 21

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I parked near the school sidewalk and took my helmet off before tugging on my hood. I stared at Blake's car in confusion as it parked right next to mine. What was he doing?

After locking his car, he turned to me and gave me a heart-breaking smile. My eyes went wide and I could feel my cheeks starting to burn.

"What the absolute hell?" I hissed- my eyes darting left and right to make sure that nobody had noticed my reaction but that was practically impossible because everyone was staring at Blake. Before I could protest, he had snatched my hand into his and was pulling me to school. All the girls- including me- gasped in shock.

"Blake-" I started but he just tugged on harder and I shut my mouth closed when I realized that it would be useless. Sighing, I let him take me wherever he wanted because fighting would be obviously useless. He finally stopped when he reached his locker but he didn't release the grip he had on my hand. Whistling casually, he took out his books and closed his locker. He turned to me to send me a grin but this time I only rose my eyebrows questioningly.

"What are you trying to do?" I sighed as the bell rang.

"Nothing," he shrugged and started to pull me down the hall.

"Does this look like nothing to you?" I rolled my eyes.

"I'm just going to class and since you had Mathematics as well, I thought- why not bring you with me?" He opened the class door and under everyone's stares, he took my bag and put it right next to his desk. Just like that! And he did it so casually too- as if it were completely normal! I shot Blake a weirded-out look but he just sat and patted the chair next to him to tell me to sit down.

I slid confusingly in the chair while staring at him. What was he doing?

I could feel a heavy stare settling on my back and when I turned around slightly, chocolate brown eyes stared back at me. I sent Brian a small wave and he instantly smiled back although I could see the underlying questions in his eyes. I shrugged at him just to show that I myself didn't know what was happening, before turning back. The teacher had just entered class and I knew that it would be a long hour and a half. Blake was drooling on the table most of the time and the teacher was droning on and on.

I waited for the bell to ring and when it did, I shot out of my desk and dashed out of the classroom before Blake could even lift up his sleepy head.

"Hey! Wait!" A voice called out and I prepared my self to run for my life but when I turned around, it was Brian that was running after me. I instantly slowed down and let out a sigh of relief. Thank God it wasn't Blake- I can't keep up with his weirdness anymore. 

"Jeez you run fast!" He exclaimed as he approached me.

"Sorry," I grimaced.

"Are you trying to run away from him?" Brian nodded towards Blake who was stepping out of class and looking right and left as if he was looking for someone. I was afraid for that 'someone.' My eyes widened and before I could even think about my actions, I had grabbed Brian's hand and was pelting down the hall head first. He let out a surprised yelp as I threw open the janitor's door and pulled him inside.

I slid down to the floor, gasping for breath. "Are you okay?" Brian asked, concern and worry laced in his voice.

I gave him a small nod and clutched at my racing heart. Had Blake seen me running away? Why the hell did I have to pull Brian with me?

"I'm sorry I made you follow me," I face-palmed.

"Don't worry about it," he chuckled and in the flickering bulb's light, I could see him smile. He stuck out his hand for me to take and I placed mine in his. He pulled me up and I sighed.

"Sorry but can you-"

"-check if he's coming?" he finished my sentence. I gaped at him before nodding.

"Yes, please, sorry," I winced.

"Stop saying sorry, this is nothing," he laughed and slightly opened the door. I instantly curled myself into the smallest corner and prepared myself to be attacked by Blake. After two minutes, I slowly lifted my head up to see Brian rolling on the floor.

"Brian?! Are you okay?" I gasped and ran to him. He was shaking and had his head down. Was he having some kind of spasm?! I was ready to call for help when he lifted his head up. He was laughing! I growled and gave him a friendly punch.

"Are you serious? I thought you were having some kind of heart attack!"

He was now fully laughing and before I knew it, I was joining him. It didn't take me long to realise that I was now laughing alone. I tried to calm myself down before looking up. I let out an involuntary gasp as Brian's face was so near. His eyes were beautiful and up close it seemed like flecks of gold merged with the dark brown colours.

Was I hallucinating or was his face getting closer to mine? His eyes flickered to my lips and the realisation of what would happen hit me like a freight train. I was about to lift my hands to push him off but the bell for lunch rang and he abruptly backed away as if he was waking up from a dream.

His cheeks went beetroot and he stammered, "I'm s-sorry!"

I let out a nervous laugh before standing up, "Here," I held out my hand for him to take and pulled himself up. We opened the janitor's door just as students started flocking out of the classrooms and in the middle of the crowd staring at me along with many other students was Blake.

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