Relationships and Avoidance

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The doorbell rung and I fiddled with my short, pleated red skirt. I couldn't hide the fact that I was nervous... Ace walked out of his room, adjusting his belt and then paused when he saw me, raising his eyebrows as the doorbell rang once again. I swallowed, unable to find my courage.

"Are you going to open the door?" he mouthed at me, giving me a look which clearly said what-on-earth-is-wrong-with-you.

I just stood mute, and then finally he rolled his eyes and grabbed my hand, pulling me to the front door with him and swinging it open. Thank god for Ace, I thought, or I would never have gotten my feet to work. I was glad that I could rely on him to push me forward when I couldn't do it myself. I needed someone in my life who would kick my butt if I was being a coward. I think everybody did, someone who loved you and supported you but didn't put up with your crap.

"Hey, guys," my mom greeted us, smiling.

She looked pretty, far less tired than before. In fact she was even a little tan, and seeing as it was summer that wouldn't be surprising, except that my mom hardly ever got tanned. Her hair was pinned up neatly and she was wearing mascara and a nice pastel blue lacey top. I couldn't remember the last time my mom had actually tried her best to look good (she usually pulled off the whole makeup-less look anyways but it was so nice to think that she had made an effort for me).

"How are you?' Ace asked her, his voice deep and smooth, shaking her hand like the gentleman he was.

I was smiling at him rather dumbly, ridiculously pleased with him when my mom awkwardly cleared her throat. I blushed scarlet and quickly hugged her, trying to ignore the smug look on Ace's face. Damn it, I could never pull off being cool and sophisticated.

"And how are you two?"

Apparently my mom and Ace had already talked and I had zoned out completely while staring at Ace and his stupidly good-looking face. I replied hastily, still embarrassed and still trying to cover up. Thankfully this time the house was presentable, unlike the last disastrous time she had come to visit. I had cleaned the windows and mopped the floors, while Ace had vacuumed and cleaned the bathroom. Cam had reluctantly agreed to clean the kitchen but only after I threatened to stop watching the Lion King with him.

I got my mom a cup of coffee and Ace a soda before joining them on the sofa. Ace gently squeezed my wrist as I handed the can to him and I could see my mom's razor sharp gaze dart over us before continuing to talk about the flight. She was very observant and I knew that she had figured out what Ace and I were before even asking. And sure enough, I was right.

"So how long have you two been dating?" she requested simply, crossing her legs and sipping her coffee.

Ace frowned at her and then gave her a small appraising smile, laying an arm around my shoulders casually, "almost two weeks."

"Congrats," my mom said drily and then gave me a sharp look from which I almost flinched. She then dropped the subject and raised another.


It was a fun afternoon. My mom and I shared some bonding time as I took her to the Empire State building and then to the Statue of Liberty. I promised her we would head to China Town tomorrow and she grinned like a kid in a candy store. My whole crappy Phone was filled up with photos of the two of us being complete tourists. It was funny but I still hadn't visited them myself, so it was a first for the both of us.

At five, we both had blistering feet and we collapsed back into the house. I let my mom go and unpack. She was staying in Zacs room, with his full permission. We had skyped earlier and he had unfortunatly told me about a stack of dirty magazines which I had needed to dump into Cams room so that my mom wouldn't screech bloody murder when she turned on the nightlight. They were so graphic... it was disturbing.

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