"That's my girlfriend!"

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May 25, 2000

Tonight was the opening night of the play I'm in, that the school is putting on. I get to sing a song all by myself! I know the song REALLY well, and it is such a pretty song, but the whole class was there and I was so nervous!

But everything went beautifully. When I finished singing, the clapping went on forever. Steven stood up an pointed to the stage and yelled, "That's my girlfriend!" I felt so happy that he was proud of me. After the show, literally a million people I didn't even know came up to me to tell me how great I was. [It definitely wasn't LITERALLY a million people. Probably more like four. Maybe.]

A random sophomore that I've never had a conversation with came up to me and said, "I just want you to know that you were what made this show worth coming to. The rest was pretty boring, but you were so good!" I wish I could have done more than just smile and say thank you.

Another sophomore, Alex, came up to me and gave me a huge kiss on the cheek. "You were AMAZING." He gushed. "Just wonderful." I love that kid so much. He is openly gay and his brother, who is in my grade, is ashamed of him. But I think he is the coolest person. [Alex was the first openly gay person I knew, and I'm glad I met him when I did.]

Gina bought me flowers, which was awesome of her. I am on such a happy cloud right now. Nothing could ruin this night for me.

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