Chapter 16

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Chapter 16 

There was a reason why Michael left the private security service and returned to the intelligence agency . It was boring. 

When he was an agent posted to exotic destinations he could see a car bomb one day and then stop an assassination of an important diplomat the next. To an extent you could say that the people in his line of work were next-level adrenaline junkies. 

However the private sector never gave him the same high. His clients were always billionaires that over stretched their own importance and thought he was a highly paid butler. He left after a month and returned to MI5 where he could get the right fix. 

Not today however. Parked on the road adjacent to Royal Green Park, not too far from Buckingham Palace, Michael sat behind blacked out windows watching the front entrance to The Ritz hotel in London. 

Readjusting his ear piece, Michael called to Sam, "How are you holding up?"

Her short reply came a second later, "Fine." 

Michael could almost see her give a small sigh of exasperation in his head.

"This isn't my first rodeo," Sam continued. 

Michael quirked an eyebrow, "I remember." It wasn't too long ago they were in a hotel room for an entirely different rodeo. 

Sam rolled her eyes as she pulled at the bottom of her suit jacket although she couldn't stop the memory that it conjured in her mind, "Try and be professional, will you?" 

Michael laughed as he looked in his mirrors and saw a convoy and black jeeps drive up the road in a column. 

"We're up," Michael sat up in the seat and watched the cars drive past him, "'Eagle' has arrived."

Finally, Sam thought as she stood straight outside the suite door, her hands clasped in front of her. She could feel her service weapon on her hip.

"He's getting out of the vehicle," Michael gave her a play by play as he watched the American General disembark from the back seat of the second car. 

He was followed closely by a tall man with dark hair and a long face dressed in a black suit. He turned and regarded Michael's vehicle, knowing that he rested inside. He gave a small nod. 

Michael returned it although the bodyguard couldn't see him. 

Turning back to the General Michael saw that his hair was covered by a cap but there was no mistaking the arrogance in his shoulders as he sauntered up the front steps of the hotel. 

An older couple on their way out were guided away from the main staircase and escorted to the street away from the group. 

"He's in the lobby. He's not going to give you any information willingly," Michael informed Sam, "You're going to have to trip him into a confession."

"I know," Sam sighed again, resisting the urge to return a sarcastic remark. 

"Leave the mic open so I can hear," Michael told her as he looked around the surroundings for anything out of place but it was just another ordinary day in London. 

"Anything else?" Sam muttered as she looked to the elevator at the end of the corridor and saw that it was being called down to the lobby.

"Yeah, be careful," Michael's voice was deep with seriousness and his concern struck her in the chest, "We don't know what this man's involved in, remember." 

Sam heard the elevator's soft hum as it was pulled up the shaft before stopping at her floor. 

"He's here," Sam told Michael. 

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