Chapter 18

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When I finally came to a spot where I could see the group again, the Guards were leaving. Diane was sitting on the same bench and Rick was approaching me, "Okay, we will show you a few more demonstrations and let you practice some more."

I nodded and went to sit on the bench, happy for the chance to catch my breath. I noticed an occasional Guard stroll in one door and out the other without stopping, but paid no attention to them since Diane and Rick were watching them. I got to practice again, this time we were concentrating on trying to get a zombie to trip on fallen logs.

I almost tripped a few times myself, but it was actually fun. Especially when I got to see Donovan fall over. Sometimes it wasn't on purpose though, and he eventually took off his mask since he couldn't see things by his feet. I noticed a lady Guard sitting with Diane as they spoke quietly. I didn't see any kind of hostility or irritation, so they must have been getting along better than the last group to pass through.

I was breathing hard by the time Rick ended the session. The fact that Donovan was also breathing harder than normal made me feel like I accomplished a lot. Diane came over so I thanked Rick and Donovan.

Diane led me down a different hallway. She seemed somewhat tense and was definitely more watchful than normal. Normally she was always glancing around in a relaxed fashion, but she was looking around more and didn't have that relaxed look. I had spent a lot of time watching her, so I noticed it, but I wasn't sure that anyone else would have seen it.

She paused in the open doorway of an office doorway and quietly knocked on the door frame. I couldn't see inside, but a man's quiet calm voice replied, "Hello Diane, what brings you here?"

She walked into the room and I followed. I could now see the slender man behind the desk. The color of his badge showed that he was a trainer like Rick.

"Hi Ace, I am hoping that you might consider offering a particular session for me."

"What are you after?"

"I think I have taken all of the close range zombie training classes being offered. Considering the recent event earlier tonight, I would like to have some sort of fighting training against actual thinking humans and not just zombies."

Ace leaned back in his chair and regarded Diane with a measuring gaze. I noticed that his eyes were pale grey. I had never seen someone with grey eyes before.

Under his scrutiny Diane spoke again, "My solo scouting runs often take me to places that could take others almost an hour to get to if I need help. It is possible that I could encounter a hostile survivor out there. I am also alone for some time when entering and leaving the base every day. There are only so many entrances to the building with my room, so they have a good chance at intercepting me if they choose to. There are times when I am running track that there is no one in sight. Often I am the only person with Laura as we go around the base. Whoever can wrestle with a Raider is not going to be worried about a six year old."

I stood quietly and waited while hiding my frustration. I wasn't entirely sure what they were talking about. It was almost like they were talking in code. Why did Diane want to be able to fight people? What event had happened earlier and why was she focusing on the fact that she was often alone?

The pale eyed trainer was still leaning back watching Diane as he thought. He was so still that it reminded me of Diane. He nodded, "I see your point. I am sure you have a halfway decent notion of what you are getting into. I know you run laps at 7pm since Laura arrived; instead, I will ask Trish and Nathan keep Laura company on the playground and take her to bed. I will see you in the small weapons room for three hours every evening for the next two weeks."

My eyes widened in shock. I had never seen this man before, how did he know my name? Even worse was the fact that he was taking away a bunch of the time I spent with Diane.

Ace grinned slightly, "If that doesn't drive this notion for training out of your head, then I can step it up a few notches and add more bruises to our training until I can no longer get a blow through your guard."

He must be mean if he was planning on giving Diane bruises. I had taken two training sessions with Rick and Donovan and I only had one bruise on my knee from when I fell. Diane nodded without worry, "So, tomorrow then?"

I was even more shocked that Diane wasn't bothered by the thought of more bruises. Then again, I wasn't entirely sure angels could get bruises, so she should be fine.

Ace chuckled quietly, "You are a sucker for punishment. Sure. I advise you to wear an old set of your leathers. You will likely be wearing them if trouble occurs. If something does happen, you will be used to wearing them while fighting, so they will not bother you."

"Thank you Ace. I will be there." She turned to leave and I backed up into the hallway so I didn't have to stand between them.

Ace's voice carried outside the door of his office, "Oh, and I advise against telling anyone exactly what type of training you are getting. In case word travels to the wrong ears."

Diane paused and looked back, "I had planned to keep this training a secret."

I wasn't sure what to make of the grey eyed man. Diane had approached him for training and he seemed to want to hurt her in this training. Yet, she didn't seem bothered by the fact. They were both determined to keep it a secret. I mulled over their conversation as I followed Diane down various hallways.

Diane headed over the playground where I played with some other kids for a while before we headed inside. Once Diane closed the door to our room I felt it was safe enough to talk, "You are having secret training?"

Diane nodded and looked at me with a serious expression, "Yes, so unless Matthew, Rick, or Ace brings it up, please don't mention it."

I had thought about the entire night's events while playing in the playground. She had only looked for Ace after whatever happened when she had left the training room. I tilted my head, "It has something to do with why you ran from the room so fast and told me to hide, doesn't it?"

Diane seemed surprised for a second before nodding slowly, "Yes, someone got badly hurt. We heard it, but didn't make it in time to stop the fight. Just in case someone loses their temper, I want to be able to stop them. We will have to do some training together later on. We will have to learn more about what you will do if I have to fight."

She wanted me to train with her later on? I was excited at that thought, "I would really like to train with you."

"Well, I will make sure that we will train together on what to do in case I have to break up a fight. The training I am going to is meant for adults, so if you focus on your zombie training, that will be the basis for what you need to do most types of training."

I nodded eagerly, I already knew that I needed more training. And she was even going to help me get it! I wish I could join her training, but I had to finish mine first.

"You heard Ace though. You will be spending more time with Trish and Nathan while I am in training. They can take you to the playground." She paused for a moment, "Or, you could ask Rick and Donovan if they can give you even more classes when I am busy."

I smiled widely, I knew which option I would be choosing. The playground may be fun, but the training was fun and interesting. It would also get me closer to following Diane. Diane grinned at my expression and I suspected that she knew my choice without having to ask.

With that, we went to bed. My dreams had me outrunning zombies with ease while chasing after Diane.

Her eyes were glowing with a bright blue light as she kept glancing back at me as if to ensure that I was still following. We ran with breathtaking speed through thick forests shrouded in mist. I could tell that it was dark out, yet I could see perfectly.

Eventually I dropped into a deeper sleep and my dream faded.

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