Sun, Dec 25 - 08:26 AM

634 53 3

"Merry Christmas, Li."

"Thank you. Are you free today?"

"I guess, why?"

"Come over. Be my Christmas companion."

"Where's your family?"

"On a trip that I refused to join."

"You refused? Why?"

"Well, Zee. I never wanted to break it to you but I've been nowhere without you. So, come on come to my house and so we can start over, yeah?"

"Do you mean it?"

"Of course I do. Why wouldn't I?"

"I don't know. I might be crying on you the last time.. Thank you for that, you know, you were there for me and I appreciate that so, so much. But us, you and me, and the things between us, will never be the same, right? You told me so."

"Zayn.. I still have these feelings for you, the same ones. I just, I don't know what's gotten into me. I told you this and that but I realized that I never meant it. I guess I was just stressed up and caught up so badly on my job. The thing is, I want us to start again now. So let's begin."

"It's not that I don't want it.. But, uhm, I'm confused? I don't know. I'm afraid it'd be the same as before."
"I don't want to be broken twice by the same person and by the same reason. I hope you understand."

"I guarantee you that I won't f uck us up this time. Please?"

"Gimme some time to decide, but yes I'll be there in an hour."

"Perfect. Thank you, baby. I love you."


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