Chapter 46: Almost Home

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Ryan and I sat in the back seat of a police car. I watched from the window as the ambulance pulled up to the school, rushing inside for Mariel. We didn't  stay long to see them carry Mariel's body out of the school. 

"Let's go," the officer said, driving us away.


The cops interrogated Ryan and I separately. I told them that it wasn't me over and over again. I told them that I had found Mariel that way. They weren't buying it because Ryan was in a woman's bathroom. I couldn't exactly tell them the truth. 

Hours passed where I told them the same thing over and over. They just weren't buying it. I was scared, nervous, and most of all, traumatized. Sometimes they had to repeat themselves three to four times because I was so blanked out.

"Can I please go home?" I asked the female and male officer who had been questioning me. "I told you guys over and over what happened. I don't know why Ryan was there."

The two officers looked at each other. "One minute." Both of them handcuffed me again, then left the room. 

I laid my head on the table and closed my eyes. I couldn't believe everything that was happening. My mom was in a home, my father and ex-best friend were working together, Ryan got Mariel killed, Mariel was dead, and I was here. In this moment, I could only wonder what else could possibly go wrong.

"Violet," the two officers walked back inside. "You're free to go." The woman responded.

"The boy confessed." The man said.

"He confessed?" I asked. "Ryan?"

"Yes," he nodded. "He admitted that it was him."

My mouth dropped. "And what will happen to him now?"

The woman released me from my handcuffs. "That doesn't matter. Your dad is here. He's in the car waiting for you."

"No!" I yell. "I'm not going with him. I want to go with my aunt Denise."

She sighed and put a hand on my shoulder. "She doesn't want you to come back. I'm sorry."

What? What did she mean by that? Why wouldn't she want me back? Did she really think that I killed Mariel?

"Come on," she said, grabbing my hand and leading me out of the door.


As I walked outside, cameras started flashing at me. People ran up for questions, but the officers told them to stay back. Why were they taking pictures of me? 

I saw my father's car. He got out and opened the back door when he saw me. I started to cry the closer I got. Suddenly, I fell to the ground, not knowing what had hit me. There was heavy pressure on me and when I could finally see what was going on, I saw cops trying to pull Liz off of me. 

"You didn't have to kill her!" Liz yelled. "She was my friend! How could you!"

Desiree took Liz's hand when the cops handed her over to her. Liz and Desiree began crying as the cops help me stand up. "I didn't do it!" I yelled. "You have to believe me." Liz turned away and cried even harder. Desiree also turned around. Their parents lead them away.

"If you didn't do it, who did?"

"Why was a boy in the woman's bathroom?"

"Were you and Mariel friends?"

"What were her last words?"

"Violet! Violet! Violet!"

The press continued to do their job, asking me hundreds of questions.

I ran inside of the car, closing the door shut. The press were asking too many questions. To add to that, it made me feel even worse. Everyone thought that I killed Mariel even though she was my best friend. 

"Animals!" My father yelled out before getting inside of the car with me. He quickly started up his car and sped away from the press and their cameras. 

"Why?" I asked him. Tears flowed from my eyes and I had to wipe them every other second.

"Be specific," he sighed as if he was annoyed.

"You and Abby killed my friend! You two ruined my life. Why?" I yelled.

He sighed again. "I wish you were more opened minded. I'm trying to give you a better life but you keep fighting me."

"I don't want the life you and Abby have," I pointed out. "I want to live and die like everyone else."

My father laughed. "Be careful what you wish for, hun."

"You're sick!"

"Watch it!" He shouted. "I'm still your father and you will treat me as such."

"You're a monster," I mumbled loud enough for him to hear me.

He ignored me and continued driving. I didn't ask where we were going. There was no point. With everything going on, the last thing I would want to do was go back and face everything. I don't know if I could've faced Mariel's mother. This would ruin her in the worst way for sure.

"Dad," I said. "Abby said she would bring Mariel back if I would join you."

He inched up his eyebrow. "Yes. That's how it works."

"Why do you need me for this? Don't you have enough?"

"I want it to be a family thing," he said in a gentle voice. "You, me, Abby, and mommy. I could live on with you all forever."

"Dad, that's not living. That's just evil. Please fix this. We can be a good family again, but you have to stop this." I pleaded. It was the best I had in me.

All of a sudden, I felt my lips close shut on its own. Strings appeared on them, going in and out of my lips until I could no longer open them. The string then disappeared.

"Shut up, Violet. You either join me, or you keep your mouth shut."

I touched my lips, trying to get pinched the strings off but I couldn't. I couldn't even feel the strings on my lips. They were tattooed in my lips, somehow holding them together.

"Don't worry," my father said. "We're almost home."

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