Vivien: Hot Date

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Camelot firing range

Vivien wondered what caused Lancelot to bail on the class like that but that was the least of her worries. She always figured the Knights were a bit intense but the way Lancelot talks about killing somebody so casually it kinda freaks her out. She hated the loud banging sound, she couldn't help but wonder if that's the last thing Alex ever heard before he died. She fired 3 rounds but she only hit the carcass once. Well at least she wasn't doing as bad as Eric, he can't come close to hitting the thing, he won't be shooting a Desert Eagle any time soon.

Vivien was back in The Cave, the heart of R&D in Camelot. Most days Vivien and Merlin are the only ones down here, most Mages only have an aptitude for hacking and technical surveillance and have no interested in learning how to build operational technology or OT. So it's up to the two of them to make sure that the Rangers and Knights have the latest toys.

Vivien had recently become oppsest with a set of Chinese blueprints from the cold war.
"You do realise that building OT is harder when you can't read the bloody instructions." Merlin chuckled
Vivien was glad that She got the cheariest of the three division heads for a boss. Lancelot has a sense of humour just a morbid one. As for the ice queen Gunivre well she just straight up doesn't have one.

"I don't have to be able to read Chinese to know what that old thing is, hot date?" Merlin smiled.
"Maybe." Vivien smiled even though she was slightly nervous.
" Look I'm not exactly thrilled Arthur hand picked you for an assignment you're not even vaguely qualified for, but as long as you do what Mac tells you you'll be alright." Merlin said whilst upgrading a ACW sniper rifle for Tristan,The Knight division's Sniper. It was designed to fire completely silent rounds.well you couldn't hear them with the human ear anyway,a dog would hear them loud and clear.
"Need any help with that boss." She looked at the rifle.
"No the blueprints you put together are quite marvellous." He made the last adjustments. He wasn't one to ask for help even if the task was too much for one hand.

The cinema

Her 'date' insisted she'd be briefed in a cinema. Rangers never get access to Camelot due to their constant exposure to the enemy. So the Cinema was as good a place as any.

She even made sure she dressed nice so it looked like she's actually going on a date with someone that had the balls to ask her out but wasn't a complete arse. Well that's what she imagines in her head apparently coming up with an elaborate lie or legend helps when your deceiving people, that's what the Rangers say anyway but she's just doing it so she can forget about her trembling fingers.

She could see him sitting at the front, its perfect evryone hates sitting at the front. As she shimmyed towards him she thought about what would happen if she got caught.

She thought about all her unfinished projects and how gutted Merlin would be
She starts thinking about her friends that still think she works for google.She thought about her mum that she could talk to about almost anything, and last but not least she thought about her cat that she has to feed twice a day.

She put that all in the back of her head where it belonged because the world's gonna get a hell alot more complicated if Emissary Thatcher ends up with a hole in her head. She doesn't know much about the Emissary other than the fact she's some distant royal.

"Galahad's already on a flight to Mumbai." Colin Macalese whisperd, it felt a little surrel seeing him in person. Rangers usually live under the radar at all times

" I'm not gonna hurt yah bringing that old thing were'nt neccercay." Colin whissperd whilst Viven fiddled with the lipstick gun Merlin gave her. "I packed it for the mission. " Viven whissperd pretending to be intrested in the romance film.
" Don't bother." Colin Whisspered.
"Why not." She replied maintaining her low volume.
"If they figure out what that is...let's hope they stick pulling out your finger nails out." Colin whispered just before gesturing to her phone.

'I need protection in there.' Her text read
'Your cover is the only protection you'll need.'
'Are you nuts,I'm not some Ranger that can lie with a gun to my head'
'The lie is a simple one you're just going to be a PA,I'd even use your real name they don't have Mages on file except Merlin.'
She didn't know what to say but she knew she couldn't get up so she just had to watch this focus tested dribble until the credits roll.

'I'll bet you twenty quid that guy's a serial killer.' Her text read.
'Sure,he's definitely the stalker type tho.'

She doesn't even know what it's about, she thinks it's about a women that cheats on her husband coz he's always busy with work. Well at least she'll earn £20 if the guy she's cheating with is a serial killer,gotta love Hollywood recycling. She looks around without turning her head and she can see all the men in the theatre are basically empty shells and all the women are on the edge of their seats.

when the other guy turns out to be a serial killer, as if it wasn't obvious. She can hear Colin fiddling with his wallet well at least she has something to smile about.

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