Chapter 36

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I stood at the top of the ramp platform while the Terraformers disembarked. I was standing to the side of the door, and most barely glanced at me, probably thinking I was just a second security guard.

The docking station Overseer was waiting at the base of the ramp for the slow flood of people to subside. As the last people left, I walked down the ramp since he was clearly wishing to speak with someone.

He bowed his head slightly. "Captain Wanderer."

This was a surprise since every docking station Overseer I had met so far had required my ID to believe that I was the Captain.

"He knew we were bringing in the refugees and looked up your profile so he would be able to pick you apart from any Officers who may also be seeing this group off."

"Overseer. How are you doing today?"

"I am doing well, thank you. I wished to pass along our thanks for picking this group up. Your timing was excellent; we recently received word from another ship just an hour ago that the planet is surrounded with a thick volcanic cloud. We know there isn't much trade to be had here, so we will pay your docking fees at your next stop as our way of saying thank you for looking out for others."

I was a bit surprised, but replied, "Thank you very much. That is kind of you."

"You are welcome. Unfortunately, I am needed elsewhere, but feel free to dock for as long as you wish. There is no charge."

I nodded my thanks before he left. I went back inside the access door, knowing that the Navigations Officer was waiting for them to pull back the ramp so we were cleared for takeoff.

The Overseer's offer was thoughtful since the docking stations were not responsible for interspace events. It was likely his way of hopefully drawing us back here for trade in the future. A small planet like this would benefit if even one large trading ship made a trip here. Our current cargo wasn't the stuff the suppliers here would be particularly interested in though – and he had likely known it. I headed back to the Bridge.


        "You are needed on level 22."

I got out of my chair and headed to the Bridge door. The Bridge crew didn't even comment; they were so used to me coming and going that it was normal for them. They knew they could contact me if anything came up. We had just left the planet, so none of us expected anything to happen anytime soon.

The Bridge door closed behind me at the same moment that a corridor wall panel slid away to reveal a hidden passage. It wasn't too surprising to discover Starsong had hidden corridors on this ship, but I was surprised to see it now.

"There is a transportation pod inside, and you need to get to level 22 swiftly."

I had heard of transportation pods before, but had never seen one. It was basically a small capsule that could take a single person anywhere along the chute routes with extreme speed. I was uneasy, but Starsong had never been in a rush before, so I didn't slow my steps as I went into the narrow corridor.

The corridor panel slid closed behind me as I walked towards the pod. It was standing up with just enough room inside for one person. 'I assume you want me to get in that?'


I walked up to it and turned around before stepping back so I could lean against the soft padding in the rather snug space. The pod cover closed before it tilted horizontally. It suddenly rocketed off, sending the pod traveling headlong to wherever Starsong was sending it with phenomenal speed. I held onto the handgrips even though I knew it was, in theory, perfectly safe. My nerves and stomach were at odds with that theory...

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