Chapter 40

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Amelia's pov.

It has been almost 2 months since the whole ordeal with my mother, as she was now in a cell where she would spend the rest of her life. Apparently, she had been knee deep in the mafia for the better part of my life and that on top of what she had done to my father was enough to grant her life in prison.

After the trial, it took a little bit for me to get back into work and my life before this all began. Ivan and I have been doing better since that night in the hospital, our relationship seemingly stronger because of the drama which I was thankful for.

As for my father, weve been slowly rebuilding our relationship, seeing each other once or twice a week as he insisted he take me out to lunch and catch up on what he missed out on in my life. I knew this was his way of making amends for leaving me at a young age and honestly Im just thankful to have him back in my life again.

"Amelia are you ready" a voice snapped me out of my thoughts as I took in the sight of Ivan throwing himself onto one of the chairs.

"Ready for what exactly" I questioned getting up to sit beside him on the couch, throwing my legs over his lap in fatigue.

"Don't tell me you dont remember" he teased.

"Is their a meeting Im not aware of?"

"No silly, I just wanted to take you out for lunch and Im kind of insulted that you immediately thought of a meeting instead of an anniversary or something" He babbled, gliding his hands up and down my legs.

"I mean, you are kinda my boss and I do accompany you to most of your meetings so Im not entirely sure on what you were so offended by."

"Never mind that, just get your fine arse out the door before I make you" he threatened much to my amusement as I walked out the door with him behind me.

It was a wonderful day in New York, the weather finally warming up as we entered spring, the snow almost completely melted, leaving behind massive puddles. It took about ten minutes for us to reach the destination, the car pulling up to a familiar looking restaurant.

"What is the meaning of this" I questioned with a grin on my face.

"It's a surprise" he teased, getting out to open the door for me.

"You and your damn surprises" I muttered getting out of the car, intertwining our fingers as we made our way into the restaurant. The waitress checked us in before guiding us to the table we sat at on our first date. I shook my head at him as I slid into my seat and began examining the dishes on the menu, already knowing what I was gonna get before opening it.

"You're unbelievable, you know that."

"Unbelievably sexy? Yes I did know that but thanks for commenting on it" he joked as I giggled at his cockiness.

"You know, cockiness is a major turn off."

"I am not cocky, I just exude confidence and some people are astonished by it."

"Whatever" I dismissed him as the waiter came to take our orders.

"I'll have the salmon and asparagus and a glass of champagne" I ordered, closing my menu and turning my attention to Ivan as he ordered the same thing as when we first came here for our date.

"Is there a reason for all of this" I asked still wondering why we were here.

"Is a man not allowed to take his girl out and spoil her" he questioned, his tone showing his slight disapproval of my questioning.

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