Chapter 85 The One I Trust the Most

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"There is no time to play around Lauren. Do you know what projects this lab heads?"

"The combat simulation and the x-2 virus! Will I be participating in these studies?"

"Yes. Today we are collecting data for the simulation system. This is a dangerous process." Xiao Yan leaned against the lab bench and looked over at Lauren with a malevolent grin. The young assistant was suddenly at a loss.

"All breakthroughs mean a certain amount of risk. Many scholars have been killed throughout history in efforts to bear fruit from their work." Lauren took a deep breath and met Xiao's eyes with determination.

"Okay, let's go." Xiao Yan grabbed a large case and walked out the door.


"Training room. I have invited Major Winn, Major Ling and Captain Liv."

"God! They are all elites in special missions!"

Lauren was clearly excited.

When they reached the training room, Liv, Winn and Ling were already waiting for them.

Winn clapped a hand on Xiao's shoulders and looked down at Lauren with a mocking brow.

"Ah, Xiao Yan you seem to have a little tail behind you."

Lauren stood mouth agape as his eyes wide to saucers. He sighed and his words came out in one breath. "You are so beautiful!"

Winn let out a groan and the jovial expression vanished from his face. His features set in ferocious lines and his muscles tensed in anger.

Liv and Xiao quickly moved in front of him and pulled him away. They both frantically attempted to stop Winn from advancing on Lauren.

"Hey! He is just a kid!"

"He was trying to compliment your looks! He just got his words mixed up!"

Instinctively sensing danger, Lauren began to back away from the angry Winn, step by step.

Winn started to relax and instantly recovered a lighter expression. He walked up to Lauren and pointed his finger. He continued toward him until he was touching the tip of Lauren's nose. Obviously the movement was a nothing gesture to Winn, but as Lauren moved back he felt his nose cracking. As the pain pulsed through his head, he realized that no matter how harmless Winn might look, he is a Special Forces soldier; he could easily kill him.

"Let it go Winn. He is Xiao's assistant." Liv stepped up and removed Winn's wrist away.

"Alright. Alright." Winn dropped his hand and turned around. "I'll have plenty of time to adjust his attitude anyway."

Lauren shuddered and Xiao Yan held his arm as he quietly appreciated the expression on the little guy's face.

He recalled when he first met Heine. He also had been unable to stop staring at him, even as Liv warned him he was about to lose his eyeballs.

The first time... he saw him?

Xiao's lips curled upward in a small smile. It seems no matter what happens to his brain, if it involves Heine, he is not likely to forget it.

Ling motioned with his chin. "Stop wasting time. I have a mission this afternoon."

Xiao grabbed Lauren by the collar and dragged him to the observation room. He opened the box he brought with him and revealed a gun!

"Gun...what do we need with the gun?" Lauren's expression was so horrified he looked ridiculous.

Thrive in Catastrophe by 焦糖冬瓜Where stories live. Discover now