CH 32 Can I tell you something?

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Rhea's question continued to bother me. It haunted my head, swirling my thoughts and twisting my emotions.  Everything soon involved Azrael and I couldn't get him out. It was irritating since I had rejected him but yet... I still feel something towards him. I just hoped it wasn't the bond that was tugging at me.

I sighed, walking aimlessly back to the pack house since Rhea's parents had come back from their trip.

They had come home the morning after Cornelius's and I's dinner date, or rather... attempted date. Turns out, their trip lasted shorter than predicted. So they were home extremely early. Her parents were happy to see me and thanked me for watching their daughter.

Rhea's parents weren't kidding as they handed me $666.00. I was shocked but thanked them regardless. It was only a few days yet I got paid that much? Holy shit, I really loved babysitting Rhea then.

However, when I gathered my things to leave, Rhea seemed very sad.

I still remember what she told me last night.


"Hey... Coco?" she said, leaning on my shoulder. "Can I tell you something I've never told anyone else before? If I tell you, you have to promise not to tell anyone."

Slightly turning my head, I focused my attention on her. "Of course you can trust me. I won't say a word. What's up?"

Rhea took in a huge breath, "... The reason why I was being a meanie to you when we first met was because of how my previous nanny's treated me. They were always inviting their friends over my house and having parties. They would do drugs or smoke. When they were supposed to watch me, they left the house or snuck off. Sometimes, I was left with no food. I had to learn how to take care of myself. Which is why I focused on reading books. When they were having the time of their life, I was suffering. Every time before my parents came home, they would lie saying how much fun I had with them when I really didn't. I never told my parents though because I wanted them to go out and have fun. I didn't want to hold them back from life" she paused, "that's what I wanted to tell you."

I stared at Rhea in disbelief.

I totally misjudged her and automatically, I hugged the small child in my arms tightly.

Immediately after I hugged her, Rhea burst into tears. She cried and sobbed against my chest, her arms tightening and grasping onto me tightly.

I could only hold her as she released all her held up sadness. While she did so, I criticized myself for how I treated her in the beginning when we met.

I shouldn't have done that.

Rhea's sobs eventually turned into hiccups before she rubbed her eyes in exhaustion. With all that crying, it tired her out. I smiled, carrying her to bed since she was light as a feather.

After I tucked her in and turned to leave, she grabbed my hand suddenly.

I turned and looked at her in question. "What is it, Rhea?" I spoke softly.

"When my parents come back... will you come and visit me? And if they do go away on a trip again, can you babysit me? You're the best babysitter I've ever had." She whispered, blinking slowly.

I laughed, "Why wouldn't I not visit you? I'm glad you're in my life, Rhea. You've become someone I can rely on despite our age difference. I see you not only as someone I care for, but as a friend as well. I'll definitely babysit you again. No worries."

Rhea, getting sleepy, nods; happy with my answer as she falls soundly asleep.

I leaned down and kissed her forehead, seeing her smile in her sleep. My heart warmed as I gazed at her one last time before walking out the door and closing it gently.


I grinned at the memory and was actually excited to babysit her again when her parents needed me.

As I stepped onto the patio of the pack house, my mother awaited impatiently there for me. I already had this eye roll saved up for her bullshit.

We still haven't made up since our last fight. Sighing, I asked, "What, mom?"

Arching a brow, she sternly said, "I'm going to ignore that tone you just gave me. Now, I have another task for you."

I rolled my eyes, "Of course you do... what is it?" I growled.

"You did good on babysitting or being a nanny to Rhea. Her parents called me and thanked me for giving birth to such a wonderful daughter. All I could reply was, 'Thank you I designed it'." She said, seeming proud of herself.

I coughed purposely, clearing my throat. She snapped her head and clicked her tongue at me. "Anyways, main point, the alpha told me you weren't getting along with Azrael and that I had to do something about it. I have a way that you will have some team building with him."

I frowned, "What happens between Azrael and me is none of your concern. So what if I don't like him? Do I have to be nice to him?"

She nodded, "For obvious reasons, yes. He is the son of the alpha's friend."

I groaned in protest.

My mother hushed me immediately. "Now then... the task is for you and Azrael to make dinner tonight for the whole pack."

My eyes widened, "What?! Make dinner?! With that asshole?!"

She nodded as she started to walk away, "You will make dinner with Azrael so the whole pack will eat. It might be a good reason for you to learn how to take care of yourself. Get to it."

My mother paused at the door with one final sentence, "... Also... I'm sorry for slapping you. I hope you can forgive me."

And just like that, she walked into the pack house as I stood there with my mouth agape.

I can't believe this is how I end my evening.

How do I face Azrael especially what happened last night?! And did my mother just apologize for what happened before?!

Authors Note:
Hi everyone! I'm back!! I would like to apologize for my long break. I got into a car accident recently and had just moved. I had to go to physical therapy but everything is fine now. Lots of things happened and I found myself losing my inspiration for writing... Thank you so much for waiting and supporting this book. I love you all every much and hope you enjoyed this chapter! ❤️

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