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• Turn your demons into art, your shadow into a friend, your fear into fuel, failures into teachers and weaknesses in reasons to fight. Never give up. •

,,Thanks Magnus

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,,Thanks Magnus." I say coming into his kitchen.

,,No problem muffin. Although, I must say-" he says looking at me with martini in his hand ,,That was quiet impressive what you did."

,,Please Magnus... I don't want to talk about that." I mutter rubbing my temples. Although I feel much better, this isn't helping me to calm at all. I could still feel the adrenaline in me evem though it has been a day and change that it happened.

,,Why are you dressed up?" I ask looking him up and down. While I'm wearing only an oversized shirt and cotton shorts he's all his glittery self and radiating.

,,Have a party to attend."

,,Even now, when Valentine is searching for warlocks- you go and party?" I ask unbelieving and he shruggs.

,,Can't let that prick take my happiness." He says before dramatically waving his hands and purple portal opens in front of him.

,,Don't do anything stupid!" I hooler behind him and he rolls his eyes stepping in portal. I chuckle going to drink some water as Elijah comes in.

,,He left?" I nod drinking water and he sighs leaving the kitchen. I follow him with my eyes curiously before putting the glass down and going to living room. I plop down on couch and my eyes land on blue box on table.


Is written and I curiously pick it up. I take the small envelope and letter out of it.

,,I remember how much you loved these..."

I frown putting the letter down and taking the box in my lap. I gently remove the white bow away and open the box. A gasp leaves my mouth as my eyes land on familiar weapon.

,,Haladie..." I mumble as I see a pair of double bladed knives with curvy blades. I gingerly pick them up in both hands and twirl in my hands. A smile appears on my face as I put bow aside and stand up. I twirl knives in my hands while doing combat moves. I sigh at familiar feeling and sit back down on couch. I take out my stele and rune the knives gently. As I finish with them, I find an empty place on my left forearm. I draw accuracy rune on it with clenched jaw and finish as soon as possible.

Just as I put my stele away, a scream  tores through warehouse.

I jump on my feet with haladies in my hands. Flashes of bright light, screams and tearing of flesh are only thing I can see and hear.

Pounding footsteps reach the living room and I snarl seeing Circle members coated in blood.

,,No!" I shout at them as they kill another warlock and without thinking lunge at at keast dozen of them. I got pushed, kicked, cut, wounded and slapped but I don't stop. I slash them as much as possible when they kick me again in my already bruised ribs. I snarl jumping on one that punched me and snap his neck. I do a back flip kicking two members in head and knocking them down. I stab them in chest in same time and lounge at another one. He dodges my attack and kicks me in ribs. I yelp feeling two at least crack but only stumble. I growl throwing haladie at him. As I expect he dodges the knife and I tackle him. I supress the pain away and wrestle with him. He keeps the second knife away from his and before I could react takes his own dagger and plugs it in my left thigh. I yell once before punching him and stabbing his chest. I whimper pulling the dagger out and throwing it at member that is attacking another warlock. I wince standing up and suddenly am tackled back on ground. I growl seeing dagger inch close to my throat and stop it with my palm. My hand starts bleeding and blood goes down the blade but I keep it there. I wince head butting him and pushing away the knife. I twist us and he falls on ground with me stradling him.

His Light | • Alec Lightwood •  [ Wattys2019 ]Where stories live. Discover now