Chapter 32: Sour Mood (Ren POV)

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"I can't believe I was blinded all this time. If it weren't for our parents deciding our engagement, I would have never accepted getting engaged to you."

Her words echo in my head as I walk back to the dorms, my head pounding and my emotions spiking. I feel an odd feeling in my head, murky and muddy, almost as if I'm in a swamp of my thoughts alone. Trying to shake this weird feeling pulling down in my chest, I try to figure out what just happened.

When I went to get Lili from the courtyard, neither her or Lucas were to be found. I found her later deeper in the academy grounds, near an isolated storeroom. The moment I walked to the entrance to where Lili was, there was a sharp pain in my head. After that, my memory is hazy. The only things I can remember somewhat clearly Lili getting upset and angry with me, as well as some unsightly words coming out of my mouth as well.

My migraine only gets worse once I try to remember what happened in the last half hour; something just feels, off.

The chime signalling the end of lunch break rings, telling me to go to class. But I'm unable to walk any further, as the pounding and sickening feeling in my head makes me fall to the ground.


"Come on, Miss Clara. We must leave right now. That thing is getting closer."

An all too familiar hand is grabbing the small frame of a girl I know, leading her away from a bloodstained courtyard. With a final look behind me, I see the body of a pink-haired princess lying on the hard ground. Her bloody hand reaches towards me, calling my name.

Turn around!

My head turns back around, my hand still resting on a stranger's shoulder.

Don't run away!

My head feels empty and my body is moving on its own, almost as if an unknown force tying me down from reaching out to whom I really want to.

A horrifying scream sounds behind me, but I don't even turn around.


I sit up instantly, my eyes wide as the clothes stick to my body. Tears are streaming down my face as I try to calm my racing heart. I realize I'm in the infirmary.

Lili sleeping at the foot of the bed, smiling in her sleep. As I try to reach out to her, my hand shakes and I'm unable to get closer. I hold my shaking hand with my other, and it manages to calm down.

...what on earth was that nightmare? That girl I was leading away was most definitely Miss Clara, and the pink haired lady was...Lili. But there's nothing to be worried about. The fight we had earlier must've triggered such a weird nightmare. 

It was just a weird nightmare. 

Lili stirs in her sleep; I unknowingly quiet my breathing, worried that I might wake her up. At least she seems to be having a good dream.  I search for a clock in the infirmary and find that I've missed all my classes for the day. So much for the first day.

Since it's already too late, I might as well take a nap as well. I glance over to Lili again, only to find a few strands of her hair covering her face. Leaning in a little, I tuck them behind her ear. She smiles.

I lay back down into the bed, sinking into the comfortable mattress. I try to close my eyes and fall asleep, but the bloody scene resurfaces into my mind. I'm unable to catch a single wink of sleep.

Just a nightmare.
It was just a horrifying nightmare. 

It's not real.

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