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"I won't do it," I declared, feeling braver than I sounded. "Even if I did know how to, which I don't..." I threw a pained glance at Jacobi. I knew how to be claimed and I knew of consenting to a Mate bond, but I didn't know a thing about claiming another being as a vampire could claim humans besides what phenomenon I had with Corentine. I didn't know how I would even connect to his spirit on another level, attaching to him and all those consequently attached to him. And even if I did know, I wouldn't do it.

"I considered this might happen, of course," Zachary replied simply, not appearing to be concerned by the fact that I was downright refusing his evil plans. He again held the medicine, which I now knew was spiked with human blood, under my nose. I held my breath, not out of disgust. The aroma was so strong, so attractive that I felt something beginning to slip in my mind. It was different from that hunter side of me that came out when I was pushing to run free or fight vampires. It was more wild and dangerous, craving something that I didn't want to crave.

Another wave of pain, different than before, pulsed through me. Instead of crying out, I thrashed in my seat, the shackles being the only thing that held me down.

"Let me tell you how this is going to happen," Zachary gripped my face from under my chin and lifted my head to look at him. "I'm going to tell you what to do and you're going to obey. I know you. I know how you've been raised. I know you're weak; in fact, I made sure of it. You're submissive. Elizabeth coddled you and smothered any signs of aggression she could and Livian provided me with information so that I could better analyze your personality traits. To make it simple: you're a helpless coward. No amount of power I bestow on you will change that now."

"You don't know me," I hissed, fighting the scent of that blood and the pangs in my heart at the truth that was ringing in his declarations. How often had I seen myself as a coward? Why would it change now?

"I more than know you, Elysia. I created everything you are, down to your pitiful soul," Zachary made a noise of distaste, releasing his grip on my face. "I don't want us to be enemies. I understand for now you'll be upset with me, after all I did keep you in the dark your entire life. But I believe you'll come around to accepting what you are... what your purpose is. Until then, I'll have to revert to threats; ones that will motivate you for now but won't matter much later."

Zachary lifted his hand, indicating to his surroundings with a slight wave. I looked around, understanding now that others must be watching. Of course, the other hunters would be involved. If my mother... if Elizabeth Monet had volunteered to raise me as bait and Liv had monitored me as an adult, of course there would be others.

"You may think I have been feeding you random blood, but I haven't. I'm not so careless, you see. I thought you might try to refuse and maybe try to delay the transition to your true form. So I've been feeding you a specific brand of blood," Zachary told me slowly as the door to the room slid open. I blinked, smelling it before looking. The aroma that was so alluring in that bottle was nothing compared to this. Before I even tried to look over, I closed my eyes tightly, breathing harshly through my mouth as if it would help push away that scent. "I thought it would be poetic almost, getting you so fixed on her blood. After all, she gave birth to you once. Why not use her to give birth to your true form once again?"

I opened my eyes sharply, swinging my head around to look at the source of that scent and lost my breath. Eve Raene was abnormally pale, malnourished, wearing nothing but a hospital gown, but still was the most gorgeous woman I had ever seen. Her hair was now snowy white, almost as if it had aged without her. And her eyes were pools of nearly metallic silver. She was peering at Jacobi, who was staring back without emotion, though I was certain he was stunned and furious. Then she turned her eyes on me. I quickly looked away, afraid of her... of who she was and what she thought of me.

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