69 | Always

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Two years later...

Perth, Australia

The music from the radio accompanies my morning as I step out of the bathroom to get ready for my day. Still wrapped in a towel, I hum, opening my closet to choose the outfit for this important day. Today is the first day of my internship, and I want to look presentable. After contemplating what to wear for quite some time, I finally choose a nude blazer and a peach pencil skirt.

To be accepted as an intern in one of the biggest oil and gas companies in the world is still mindblowing for me. I'm quite nervous, and I wonder whether this is what Jake felt when he first started his internship in Texas.

Thinking about that moment brings back some memories, making a sad smile touch my lips. A lot of things happened back then. Things that sometimes still make my mind wander before I go to sleep at night, realising that the big hole in my chest is never filled up again.

I stare at the mirror, putting the final touch of my look today that is securing the pearl necklace around my neck. A soft smile tugs at my lips. I've been wearing it consistently. It's a thing that I'll always treasure.

You're doing great, Melanie, I say to myself. For these past two years, I've been living on my own, having good academic records. I'm proud that I excel again in my studies because I've been working hard on it. And I'm still enjoying my life like other girls are. Sometimes, I hang out with my close friends at weekend, or when I feel like I just want to spend some time alone, I indulge myself in reading or playing the piano to recharge myself. I like the atmosphere in this apartment that I design myself.

I don't go back to my country often. Usually, Jake and my parents come here during the summer or winter breaks. It's a good thing because they sort or having a vacation while visiting me here. Last time, we spent a holiday in Sydney.

I sit at my dresser, doing my usual routines of putting my makeup on and styling my blonde hair into loose waves. That's when my phone rings. I look at the caller.


Smiling, I pick it up, pressing the speaker on while I continue styling my hair.

"Hey, Mels," his voice fills the air. "Morning."

"Good evening." I giggle, knowing that it's around 6 PM in Texas.

"So, are you ready for today?" He sounds so excited, maybe even more than I am.

"Yup," I answer confidently.

"Don't worry. You're going to do just fine," he assures. I've known my brother so well. When he says something like this, it's usually him who's worried.

I stifle a laugh. "Jake, I'm fine. I'm not worried."

He chuckles. "Sorry. I couldn't help it. I'm so damn excited for you. Do you know that there are some days people refer to as their life-changing point? Well, Mel, I have a feeling that it's going to be today for you."

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