A f t e r T h e D a t e

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Um, Damien ?

Wait, am I dreaming ?
You, the very badass and fiesty, Hotline Girl, decided to text me ?
Wow ! I am making a impression..

Don't get ahead of yourself Drama Mama. I just wanted to ask, how did the date go ?

One word. Describes all. Horrible and boring.

Um, those are three words, but okay !

Sometimes, I really wonder if you really are a nerd..

Keep thinking..

So, main thing ? I am never going out with Hayley again.

Okay. But tell me why ?

Okay. First, she chews with her mouth open. And loud, God was she loud ! Besides, she smiles weirdly when she's eating. She oogles over anything and everything. She even oogled at something which turned out to be the switch board !

Wow. Um, okay. Bad choice. No more dates with her, then. Boy, is she gonna cry.

Whatever. Besides, I have my eyes on somebody else.

Really ? Who ?

Lilliana Summers.

Uh ! Not that again ! I told you once, twice, and a thousand times, leave Sethiana alone !

Why are your texts so toxic ?! Why so negative ?

You are toxic ! I am not negative, I am just..not liking this..besides, don't you know that Seth and Lilliana are already dating ?

What ?!

You didn't know ? Wow..you sure are lagging behind..

Well, I am spending so much time talking to you..like always..maybe I have lost track of the newst gossips..;) ;)

What would you do without me ? ;)

You, Hotline Girl, are too..

No..no, Damien..don't say it..

Fiero ma carino..

Hm ? What ?


Uh..alright..but no more Lilliana..

Okay. Fine !


What do I do next ?

Can't you stay single for one day ?!

So that you can hit on me ? Oh darling don't worry..I'll be there for you..;)

Yeah, in your dreams..asshole..


Whatever. I meant, give me some time to find another girl for ya..or you know what ? You could find one yourself..

Then you are of no use..

Of course. Finally ! You'll e off my back. I'll be free !

Well, in that case..nope. Not leaving ya..

Why ?

You're the Cupid. Why would I do the work if you can do it ?

You are one lazy dumbass..

But you like it..;)

No I don't. Now piss off..bye..

No wait.
Hello ?
Hotline Girl !
You always leave me hanging !


Hey guys ! So, Fiero ma carino means fiesty and cute in Italian..
So, she had no idea to what he was saying..
;) ;) ;)

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