
Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.
          	Psalm 46:10 KJV
          	The world will know that it is the Lord! 


Turn from your evil ways, believe in the Lord Jesus Christ!
          He came and died for your sins. He has paid the penalty of your sins on the cross. Without His blood, there's no forgiveness of sins. Those who don't believe will be held under judgment which is coming soon.
          Very soon!
          Believe in Jesus! He loves you.


@lostlovefairy Because Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Him. John 14:6


@lostlovefairy I'm so happy to know you follow the scriptures (the only truth) but without the Holy Spirit, you can't come up with the whole truth. 
            You've said well that he doesn't repay us according to our transgressions. They were many, but He sent His son to die for us. If it wasn't Jesus, we'd have gone through hells but the Lord is great in His mercy that He didn't make us go through hells but sent His son for the atonement. But those who also trample the sacrifice of His beloved Son will see His wrath. God has seen and now it's time to repay. People are blind not to see.
            And yes! Through Jesus only He has removed our transgressions (as far as the eat is from the west) but if you can't even believe His only Son, that's where He's angry! 
            Let's breathe in faith through the Lord Jesus Christ! 


let's live in faith and not fear


I love your writing skills and the way you express your words is amazing.
          I want some motivation from you would you mind 


@jojoarstu What grammar tool do you use?  


The first commandment in the Bible is to, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your mind, all your soul, and strength."
          First time I heard it, I thought God is kinda selfish. Sorry, Lord.
          But after I received the Holy Spirit who came to dwell inside me, that was the moment I felt arms embracing me like a warm blanket. I felt loved and relieved. That peace was something I can't compare anything with.
          The second commandment is to love your neighbor as yourself which was "impossible" to me. I'm telling you, nobody can. But it was necessary so I asked Jesus to teach me how to love others. Sounds ridiculous but I knew he'd teach me.
          He simply said, follow my commands.
          I was like, okay. There was nothing wrong.
          I kept reading the Bible and filled myself with his commandments. It always impressed me how Jesus loved everyone. He moved full of compassion. Even when I was in dirt, he particularly called my name and said, I love you very much.
          So time passed and I saw the 9 fruits of the Holy Spirit getting born inside of me.
          I always hated my parents for many things and I could justify them easily to God that I wasn't wrong but every time I'd see them, he always said to my heart, "Honor your father and your mother." I did. For my siblings, he said, "Mention them in your prayers," I did, for my friends, he said, "Forgive them all and pray for them," I couldn't deny, for my neighbor who practically did black magic, he said, "forgive her, pray so that her eyes may be opened," it was shocking! but I did bc I was growing up in love with Jesus so much that I'd do everything he'd tell me. Any person I'd meet, he said, "pray for her/him."
          Finally, through the book of Ezekiel, he asked me if I'd like to stand in the gap and pray for others and I obeyed, not for any reward but only bc I wanted to keep him happy inside of me.


 I'm telling you, no good deed of yours will make him live inside you. It's his love that is selfless, that's why he comes. But it says, do not grieve the Holy Spirit, and it touched me so much that I'm afraid of hurting him. He's really sensitive, very gentle. Idk why he chose to live with a person as cruel as me (I could watch someone wallow in their own blood and do nothing!) But he changed me.
            I've never loved my parents or anyone as much as I've loved after loving Jesus.
            Every day he guides me and every time I do stupid things, he'd forgive me so easily like it never happened!
            It makes me feel like... Lord, what kind of a God are you? Your love amazes me.


Hey readers and authors!
          I had to abandon my old accounts on Instagram and I've made a new one. I'll try not to freak out and delete this one, too, in distress and tears but I'll try to preserve it as much as possible.
          Please, follow me there, (those who are inactive, please don't, I'm tired of liars in my life and I'm saying this straight.)
          My IG is @wattpad.ahava
          Thanks for paying attention. Also, if time permits, pray for me!
          Thank you again :) have a great day! 


@ahavaenoch wish I could follow u there but I don't even use ig.. it's way too annoying but I honestly love u very much. God bless u. Girl you've become my fav


@author_arya20 no, I know, dear. I literally admire you for being kind to me straightaway without expecting my support in return. And Amen for the blessing. God bless you too :) 


Love your books darling! May I interest in few of my books? If your free do read them! Thanxxxx


@non-sensical :) it's just that it's hard for me to tolerate lies so I ask directly. And yeah, thank you for the praise. Hope you enjoy reading them :) 


I just saw them and added them in my list. LOL! You get quiet defensive even if i am praising you! 


@non-sensical have you even read my books?


Your own righteousness won't take you to heaven!
          No matter how many mountains you climb, how many times you sprinkle the water of the national river on your head, how much food sacrificed to idols you eat, how many goats or lambs you sacrifice, how many times you wash your face with water that 'you' consider holy, you won't go to heaven just bc of doing those awkward things.
          The only way to heaven is Jesus as he said, "I'm the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
          I got this verse this morning and I'm sure it's for me and all of us as it says, "And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among people by which we must be saved."—Acts 4:12.
          For God has provided the world with no alternative for salvation. The name alone of Jesus can give you salvation. God doesn't want you to boast in front of Him about your 'deeds' for no human can do it. God opposes the arrogant but to humble, He gives grace.
          I've noticed that people nowadays are so haughty that they won't receive Jesus. They don't want to bow before Him but they should know He's the only one who'd make their knees tremble and give up! At the name of Jesus, every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that He is the Lord.
          Surely, when He will come to judge the world, people will bow and tongues will stutter but why should they wait for that moment? It'll be the day of great judgment. Escape the wrath of God if you're wise enough.
          Believe in the sacrifice of Jesus that he lived, died, and was raised from the dead. Jesus is God and bc He loves us all, He came and walked among His own creation. Could you believe that? The Lord who keeps the world over the span of His palm humbled Himself and descended among His people to die for all. That's why His name was exalted above all names. In the name of Jesus, we receive salvation.
          Believe in Him because He loves you.