18 | little monsters

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"He kissed you?" Lucy asked incredulously, gathering the attention of the few customers still milling around

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"He kissed you?" Lucy asked incredulously, gathering the attention of the few customers still milling around.

"Shhh." I hissed, my eyes darting towards the several that were on us. "And no. He almost kissed me."

"Same difference." She squealed. "I have to say though, I'm not that surprised. He's obsessed with you."

My nose wrinkled. She couldn't be more off base. "No he's not."

"We'll agree to disagree." She said with a sly smile. "So... what was it like?"

"Perfect," was the answer I didn't give.

Instead I shrugged, picking up the dirty plates that sat on grey tablecloths. "It doesn't matter. It's never happening again."

Lucy's eyebrows raised. "Should I pretend I believe you?"

I paused, plate in mid air. "You don't have to pretend, it's true. We're just friends and nothing more."

She pursed her lips together in a way that told me she didn't agree, but sensed that the conversation needed to end there. "Whatever you say."

I walked over to one of the many hanging plants dotted around the Stone's interior and watered it until it stopped looking droopy, finding that my mood perked up as soon as its stem did.

"Bossman said he wants to see both of us in his office." Lucy told me with confusion clouding her voice, eyes moving from the computer screen she had in front of her over to where I was standing.

"That's strange." I said, biting my lip nervously.

My mind had already begun coming up with all the worst case scenarios, fuelled by the fact that the last time I'd spoken to him was during the interview I took to get this job in the first place, just over four months ago.

He rarely came out of his office, to the point where we joked about him living there, so for him to invite us inside of it was completely unheard of.

"We could just act like we didn't see it?" Lucy offered.

I shook my head with the hint of a smile on my face. "No we can't. And that seems really unprofessional."

She groaned. "Fine, but we should probably get going. The email was sent an hour ago."

My eyes widened. "Start walking!"

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