Chapter 23: He Misses You

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As I laid in bed, wishing to fall back to sleep in the early morning, my stomach lurched. Without wasting a moment, I ran to the bathroom and lost what was left in my stomach. I had already spent most of the night in here so I couldn't image there was anything else to purge from my stomach.

"Nojo, are you ready in there?" dad asked as he knocked on the bathroom door as I flushed the toilet.

I wiped my mouth before I dry heaved. There was no way I could go to the match in Toledo when I could barely leave the bathroom without running back in. "Can you just go without me, I don't think I can go."

"Are you ok?"

I shook my head, I wasn't ok. But I knew food poisoning when I saw it. This was nothing but a case of a bad meal from yesterday. I would feel better in no time. I just needed 24 hours for this to run its course. "No, I think I ate something terrible. I won't be much help out there."

"Ok, your mom is out for the day but if you need anything, shoot us a text. Toledo isn't too far, and I'll be back by Sunday."

I flushed the toilet. "Sounds good."

"Please keep me posted on how you're feeling throughout the day."

"I will," I said as I stood up from the floor and opened the door to see dad dressed and ready to go. If I was actually feeling good, I would look like him, ready to drive up to Toledo for the game. I felt more disappointed than I thought I would.

"Are you sure you'll be ok."

I nodded with a smile, trying to ease his mind. It's not like he could stay here with me anyhow. I was adult anyhow, I could watch out for myself. Sometimes my parents forgot that since I still lived with them. 

"I'll be fine. Don't worry." I forced a smile at him even though my stomach wouldn't stop withering in pain. "Just tell all the guy's good luck for me."

He nodded. "They will miss you."

And I would actually miss them. After I made my mind about going, this match was all I thought about. I reviewed the plays and this time I would be ready for the game and hopefully be better aware of what to expect. "Now, go, I'll be ok," I said to him as my stomach lurched again.

"Call if you need anything."

I nodded as I ran to the toilet to gag, shutting door behind me.

"Ok, well Nora," dad paused. "I'm heading out. I'll let your mom know you're not coming with me."

"Thanks! Bye! Love you!" I said, then spit out foul smelling liquid from my mouth.

I heard dad walked down the stairs and a minute later the garage door opened and closed, telling me he left. As I sat on the ground, I couldn't help but feel disappointed. Just when I decided to go to the game, this happens. I hadn't felt this sick in years, but something told me I would feel like this all day long. Tad should know from me before he found out from dad. I at least owed it to him to let him know why I wouldn't be joining them this weekend. I picked up my phone and quickly sent him a message, hoping he wouldn't freak out. "Please don't hate me."

"What did you do?" -Tad

He responded almost instantly, making wonder if he was on the bus already. I gagged over the toilet even though there wasn't anything left in my stomach to purge. "I got food poisoning. Been sick all night long so I can't go to the game this weekend."

"NooOoOo, I was really looking forward to sitting with you on the bus. Now I don't know what to do." - Tad

"You'll survive. I'll be at the next game though, promise," I texted him back.

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