Chapter 24: Like Death

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Look out for the <>!

When I woke up the next day, I was not feeling any better nor had my fever broke. Which meant that I had to follow exactly what mom wanted to do. Without much of a fight I allowed mom to take me to the hospital which was a short drive away. She insisted that it was just to get my checked out but we both knew that it would probably more than just a checkup. I was running a 102 fever along with not able to keep anything down. This flu was something that needed more serious attention then dr. mom could provide.

In a matter of an hour, I was in my own room in the hospital with a course of fluids flowing through an IV attached to my hand. 

"Oh honey, you are still burning up," mom said as she touched my forehead. 

"Mom, we are in a building full of professionals. I'm fine. It'll break soon enough," I said as I pulled the scratchy blankets closer to my ears as I tried to warm myself even though I knew I would want to rip these blankets off in a second. 

Mom nodded as she pulled her phone out of her purse to check it. "Your dad is calling again. The match is in the afternoon, but I am sure he's only thinking about you." She answered it with a simple hello then put it on speaker. 

"Nora, are you ok?" dad's voice rang out.

"I'm ok, don't worry. The doctor said I was dehydrated. He thinks this is just a rough flu," I said as I held the urge to vomit. 

"Dear, what did the doctor say?" dad asked causing mom to take the phone off of speaker and place up on her ear.

"They think it's just the flu. Paul, don't worry. Nora and I are just going to hang tight here until she becomes stable."

I felt my phone buzz and without wasting a second, I pulled it out to see a text from Tad. 

"Food poisoning hu? How is the hospital? Overheard your dad talking on the phone about it."  - Tad

"Guess I have a hard time telling the flu and food poisoning apart," I responded. 

"Are you doing alright?"  - Tad

"Feel like death, but I'll survive." 

"I'll be cheering for you to get better ASAP." -Tad

"Thanks. I'll be cheering for that too." 

"Nora, want to say anything else to dad before I let him go?" mom asked, breaking me out of the conversation with Tad. 

I took her phone. "Hey dad." 

"Hey Nojo. Please let me know if you need anything." 

I held back a chuckle, knowing there was nothing he could do from Toledo. "Don't stress about me. I'm fine. Just crush that game today."

"We'll crush it like those tomatoes we used for the pasta sauce the other day." 

"Just with less of the mess, right?" I asked as I remembered staining my shirt from the dinner prep. 

He chuckled. "Yeah, less of the mess. But, hey, I need to go. I'll be back in Columbus in a flash." With that, he hung up, ready to go to his game. 

I looked at mom in silence as I handed her phone back. I was 19, an adult and most of the time my parents treated me as such, but right now I felt like a child. 

Breaking the silence, mom stood up and picked up the remote. "Want to watch the game here?" mom asked as she turned the TV on.

I nodded with a yawn as my eyes grew heavy. Even though I slept poorly the night before, I did not want to cave to sleep. I had paid more attention to the plays so this time I was sure I wouldn't be as lost. "That sounds fine to me."

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