Chapter 18

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A/N: Hi lovelies. Enjoy, and please read the A/N when your finished!

Third Person's POV

Vero had inhaled and exhaled, finding the courage to walk into the classroom. You can do this she encouraged herself. As if that was the little push she needed, she held the doorknob and opened the door. Not sure whether she was welcomed or not, she slowly and cautiously walked in.

"Miss Jauregui," she spoke softly. Lauren turned around from her computer, giving Vero her full attention. "Sorry for bothering you, but may I speak with you?" Vero approached politely.

"Of course," Lauren motioned for Vero to pull up a chair. "Have a seat," she invited. "What's on your mind?" she asked. Lauren thought to herself, I wonder what it is. Even though she looked calm on the outside, on the inside she was concerned.

Vero was not in any of her classes, therefore, it couldn't exactly be anything school related. There was only one thing in common between the two of them, and that was Camila. In Lauren's mind, whatever Vero needed to talk about, it was going to involve her Camz.

"First of all, I've come to you because I don't know who else to go to," Vero's foot tapped nervously on the floor. "Only because you're an adult and I know that Camila trusts you," she added, explaining.

Oh, so it is about Camila, Lauren thought to herself. How does she know Camila trusts me? She tried to remain calm, but other thoughts were rushing through her head as well. Has Camila spoken about me? Does she talk about me too much intentionally? Does Vero suspect anything? She couldn't help but ask herself these questions.

"Camila?" Lauren tried seeming unaffected. As if asking her to elaborate.

"Yes, you see, my friends Shawn and Dinah told me that Camila's been acting strange lately," Vero replied, getting more comfortable. "Apparently, Camila has been avoiding them, well, only after school and even during lunch," she added, trying to remember all the times.

"Do they know if Camila has a problem?" Lauren asked in that firmly, yet gentle manner.

Vero shook her head slightly, "No," her eyes narrowed down.

Lauren appreciated that Vero was worrying about Camila. Even though she knew that Vero loved her girlfriend, she still very much appreciated the affection. There was no way she could ever be upset for someone caring about Camila.

"Maybe you need to ask Camila," Lauren suggested. "It's impossible to solve a problem without knowing what the problem is," she stated. Vero made a thoughtful expression, agreeing with her statement.

"I think I know what the problem is," Vero replied, causing Lauren's eyes to widen just a bit.

"W-what do you think the problem is?" Lauren stuttered at first, but then controlled it. Is it just me, or is it getting hot in her? Lauren was starting to feel the heat.

"Well Camila told me that she had a girlfriend," Vero answered. Discreetly, Lauren gulped, as she felt her heart rate increase. "I'm not sure, but I'm suspecting her girlfriend to be older than her," Vero added.

Feeling on the spot, Lauren grabbed her water bottle and drank from it. She could feel sweat forming on her forehead. Vero was so close to figuring out the truth. How in the world did she come up to that conclusion?

"Why do you suspect that?" Lauren tried sounding calm and collected.

"Because she hasn't introduced her to any of us," Vero answered. "She hasn't even told her parents," she added, shaking her head in disbelief. "She said that her girlfriend goes to another high school," she air quoted. "That was a complete lie though," she stated. "Either way, whoever she is, she's changing her," Lauren didn't like hearing that.

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