Chapter 21

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Camila's POV

"What kind of people do you allow into this school?" My mom was raging, questioning the principal. The principal looked to be in deep distress. "That teacher took advantage of my daughter!" she claimed.

"No!" I retorted. "She did not take advantage of me," I stated firmly. My mom didn't know what she was talking about. She had to stop talking and just hear me out.

"Camila, don't say a word," she huffed. 

"You can't silence me," I retorted. "Mami, drop the charges," I demanded. "Lauren is not a pedophile," I clarified. "She doesn't deserve to be in jail," I added.

"Please stay calm," the nurse was checking up on me. To our side, there was a juice box and cookies. Oh sure, as if this wasn't making me feel like a child enough. And how in the hell was I supposed to stay calm? All I wanted to do was see Lauren. "These will make you feel better," she pushed the snacks closer to me.

I sighed, "I don't want them," I refused them. I then turned my attention to the principal, "Please, you know Lauren, she's not a bad person," I needed an adult on my side.

"Miss Cabello, Miss Jauregui committed a felony by being involved with you," he did not need to state it, I already knew that, but... ugh, I just needed him to back me up. That wasn't going to happen though, not with my mom here.

"I want her in prison." My mom was sure as hell irritating me! No, Lauren couldn't go to prison. Not her. 

"And I want you out of here!" I shouted. It was an automatic response, I didn't even think it through. I looked down to the ground, avoiding eye contact with her.

That's when the nurse walked out of the principal's office.

"Karla. Let's go," My mom spoke firmly, now heading towards the door. "There are things I have to handle, I have to make sure that the teacher gets punished," she added.

I sighed, skeptically, "No, you can't do that," I followed after her, leaving the office. The principal was speaking behind us, but neither of us were paying attention to him. We just kept on walking. I tried catching up to my mom. "Mami, I love her," I stated. She needed to know.

She stopped instantly and turned around with tears in her eyes, "Don't you ever, and I mean ever, dare to repeat that again," she said through her gritted teeth. Her jaw clenched in anger. "You will never see that woman again, I'll make sure of that," she huffed and kept walking out of the school's building.

I was deeply hurt by everything. I wanted her support, I didn't want her to be against Lauren. Only my parents could either destroy or fix everything. Hopefully my dad was going to help me out. He was my only hope left.

In order to get to my car, I had to go to the students parking lot. To get there, I had to pass through the halls, fortunately, classes were still in session. Meaning that I didn't have to put up with all of the gossiping that was bound to be spreading. By this time, the whole school must of known what happened. Even though I had friends in my algebra II class, there were also other students who I didn't speak to. Those probably got the word out through texts.

I needed to hurry though. First period was about to end.

I jogged through the empty halls and fast walked once I was out of the building. Right on time, the bell rang, which meant everyone was dismissed out of class. Good thing I was near the parking lot already.

I wiped tears off my face, I couldn't stop crying. The fact that Lauren had been arrested was hurting me deeply. The pain in my chest and heart was too much to handle. I needed to do something, anything to get Lauren out.

Miss Jauregui (CAMREN)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora