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"ZELLA Liv Wren. Call me any name you wish."

A 5'2" dark brown curly haired girl that reaches her mid-back, innocent doll hazelnut eyes... Safe to say she's the lighter-skinned version of Ariana Grande at the age of a few years ahead of Vee's. She extends her hand towards her. Vee accepts it and giggles at her remark. 

"Aubryn Fern Marlowe. Preferably called by Bryn."

A 5'4" long wavy chestnut brown hair, dark chocolate-colored eyes in a not so skinny body stretches her hand next.

Looking like a classy woman, Vee thought. 

"I'm Vesper Celeste Moon. I'd like to be called Vee." She introduces herself to the both beautiful ladies.

Then entered the meeting room are Harry Styles and Jeffrey Azoff, his trusted manager and friend. The three women who are sitting around the white round table looks up to both men who've entered, except Vee who only focuses her eyes to his manager.

"Ah! I see you've introduced yourselves to each other."

Jeff starts, making the girls giggle. 
Harry smiles as he heard her giggle once more.

"Zel, Bryn, Vee. Harry Styles. You've met him, of course."

Jeff introducing him, the two girls nodded but Vee decided to just looked down, Harry seeing her actions. She remembers their first encounter. 

"I just want to briefly elaborate the situation we'll be in."

He continues to say while grabbing a seat to sit on. Harry purposely sitting on Vee's right while Jeff sits beside him. 

"Harry writes mostly during his tour and wherever his mood brings him. So, travelling is going to be part of this songwriting experience. In short, we'll need you to be with us wherever he wants to go. Everything is settled. Your requirements, VISA, passport, all have been taken care of."

Jeff explains, filling them in with all the necessary details.

"We've also notified your contacts about this and they agreed and gave us the authority to take care of all of you. All you have to do is pack your things, have a beauty rest and be excited."

Bryn and Zel squeals together while Vee just smiles quietly to herself. She glances at him but looks away instantly when he catches her eyes with a smirk plastered on his pink inviting lips.

Harry continues to admire her while his manager continues to ramble about do's and don'ts, her being completely aware about the pair of emerald eyes staring at her through the whole time of the meeting. Just like him, he knew she wasn't listening to a damn word his manager says to them.

What could she be thinking right now? What has been occupying her mind knowing she could get in trouble if she misses a single word Jeff tells them?, he thought.

The kiss... Did he only do that to Vee? Or did he also kissed these beautiful young women?, she can't help but overthink.

His eyes focuses a little lower on her hands that are fumbling and playing with her pen, making him more amused to her. While she, on the other hand, overthinks the last memory they have shared together.

Why would he kiss me? Did he think it was special? Did he think I was special? No. I am not. I'm not that pretty nor sexy. Why me? Or is it a usual thing he does whenever he meets a new employee?

These thoughts that continue to haunt her for a few minutes left him to just adore her small details. The way she plays with her pen nervously... The way she'll run her hand through her hair out of frustration... Her little creased eyebrows, making her look not frustrated but more annoyed. He can, without a shame, admit out loud that he is beyond allured by Vee. 

"And I think that concludes our small meet-up." Jeff finalizes the meeting, snapping both Harry and Vee from their thoughts.

Both of the amazingly female songwriters stand up from their seats and exiting the room with his manager guiding them. Leaving Vee to gather her belongings while Harry waiting for her.

"Vee..." He starts, clearing his throat a bit as she tenses but the sound of his voice calling her name.

She pretends to didn't hear anything and continues to put everything in her shoulder bag. Standing up, she wears the strap of her bag on her right shoulder. Glancing to him, she wears a small smile but refuses to say a word. 

"Uhh--- M'really sorry fo' wha' I did. H-hope we can work together without uneasiness and tension b'tween us. I really don't want ya to be in a position you don't feel comfortable with. S'just---"  She stops his rambles.

"I fondly anticipate working with a well-known musician too." She courtly greets, formality obvious from her voice. 

"Well then, I await fo' the sight of your wonderful face tomorrow." He mocks her formality, making her giggle.

He presses his lips together to suppress a smirk about to show on his lips but fails.

The smart mouth she has, he thought.

She looks at him for permission to leave and he nods, allowing her to. She leaves and Jeff closes the door for them to have a chat.

"Jeffrey, I know ya love me..." Harry drags while his gaze follows his manager taking a seat back beside him. 

Jeff groans upon sitting. "What do you want me to do, Harold?"

"Remove Vee from the first class seats from an aeroplane you've reserved for 'em..." 

"And?" Jeff asks for a continuation while placing his chin on his hand and his elbow on the table, looking at Harry.

"Move 'er with me to me private plane." Harry finally finishes his sentence. He sits on his seat once again, seeing his manager's reaction turn from confused to curious to amused. 

"I knew it! I absolutely knew it!" He exclaims. "You like Vesper." 

"She prefers to be called Vee, yeah? And I just... There s'something 'bout her m'cravin' to know..." He explains. 

"I could tell the tension between the two of you... I knew it was a sexual tension!" He ignores Harry's explanation to him.

He continues to laugh out of realization that Harry's in denial at his infatuation-at-first-sight situation but contains himself. 

"Fine, fine. I'll do that. Just promise you won't make her a member of the mile high club, yeah?" He teases. 

"Fuck off, Jeffrey! Bloody hell!" Harry snaps at him playfully, making both lads laugh. Harry doesn't have any intention like that to her... He doesn't. Well, for now. 

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