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"LETTER of resignation!?" Zel literally shouts, making Vee shut her eyes closed, covered her ears and keep her head down. "Why!?"

"It's not like I'm going to give it right away... I'm just preparing it." Vee reasons with a hushed tone. She pulls the piece of paper away from Zel's hands and hides it under the deepest part of her suitcase. 

"But you do have a plan to resign?" Zel plops herself on Vee's bed, beside the suitcase while looking up at a very serious and confused Vee.

"It's not like I'll forever be aware of the fine line between work and personal with him..." She sits besides her. "I'm going to cross it, eventually so I have to be prepared." 

Zel sighs out of frustration. Obviously, she can't blame Vee. The girl had fallen for Harry deeply. She shrugs the issue off and proceeded to go outside and wait for Vee who places her suitcase back on its place before. They finally left the hotel and proceeded to the studio.

As they entered, they were welcomed by a squealing Bryn who was shushed by Zel and asked her what's happening. She jump continuously as she was held down by Vee. She holds Vee's hands as she was still smiling hysterically.

"Vee! Harry's team is literally listening to the song you wrote with him!" Bryn screams making both Vee and Zel's eyes wide.

"What?!" Vee mouths out of disbelief. 

As Bryn nods her eagerly, a lot of people exits the room but the only pair of eyes Vee caught with hers is the one she has been hoping she'll have the courage to avoid at least an hour. Compare to her anxious state, he actually was glad to see her since he has been longing for her presence especially they separated.

Harry sprints immediately to her, making Bryn stand away from her to Zel's side. He stares directly into her eyes, searching for a certain emotion but remembers that they weren't alone. He was being called by someone, making him look back and return a smile. He stands beside Vee while the man approaches them.

"Kid..." Harry greets. "You remember, Zel and Bryn are me songwriters and they've been amazing." He informs as he points to Bryn and Zel who are nodding their heads respectfully to him. Harry looks at Vee with pure amusement when he sees the confusion in her face and finds her nervous state cute. 

Kid Harpoon notices Harry's stare to Vee and so he asks. "And again this is?"

"This is Vesper." He introduces her to him as he wraps his arm carefully around her shoulder, shrugging the idea that she might be ranting about it later on but in reality is that she misses his gentle and sweet touches on her. "She s'the lass m'remindin' ya 'bout."

"Oh, yes! You're the Vesper?!" He beams as he offers his hands, more like - pulls her hand and shakes it excitedly. "Vesper Celeste Moon, the main topic earlier! You are a star!" He compliments, confusing her more.

"Well, she s'me star..." He mumbles, earning a blush from her but he didn't notice it as she didn't threw him a glance. 

"That song of yours is really really awesome!" Kid started to chime. "Everyone loves your song! It's like we all automatically want to have a stable love life forever!" 

Everyone laughs at his statement. Vee thanks him hesitantly and begins to pass the work to Harry as if it was him all along who just wrote the song which Harry denies. When the rest left and it was just the usual people in the room, Harry comes up to Vee as she slowly drop the smile she has been trying to put up the entire day.

"I must have a word with ya." He states seriously with his deep raspy voice that sent shivers on her spine but she shrug it off.

"No, you must not." 

"Vee, babe, I want us t'talk." 

"We have nothing to talk about." Vee whispers sternly. Harry sighs, believing she won't let her guards down anytime soon. 

He checks her outfit which is a grey hoodie, denim shorts, black knee high socks and white rubber shoes which he finds really unusual because she isn't wearing her pair of ankle boots which only means one thing to him. This isn't her. 

"Fuck it." He finally decides and picks her up by her hips and carries her over his shoulders, making Vee squeal that catches the attention of everyone.

"Harry! Put! Me! Down!" She spits loudly as she punches his back and kicks her feet but he caught her legs around his one hand.

"H, what are you doing?" Zel asks worriedly.

"Apparently, he's being Harry Styles." Vee answers, trying to annoy him by mentioning his full name.

"Harold, put Vee down at this instant." Jeff commands him.

"Mate, we really need some talkin'." He practically pleads.

"And this is your kind of invitation?!" Jeff hysterically bellows.

"She wouldn't budge!"

"Okay... So where on earth do you plan to fucking bring her like that?!"

"I dare you to take me even outside of this room." Vee groans. "And I swear to my favorite piece of clothing if you take a photo of me, Aubryn, you know what I'm capable to do to you."

"Hey! Why am I getting the threats now?!" Bryn chuckles. Vee was about to remark when Harry steps further from them.

"Harry! There might be paps out there!" Jeff shouts as he runs away from them, earning consecutive groans from her.

Until she ran out of energy to fight him back and knowing he won't put her down, she curses him in her mind.

Jeff's right. What the fuck will happen if paparazzi saw us for pulling a stunt like this in public?!

When he finally stops, he finally puts her down on a chair. She was about to shout when Harry speaks.

"Relax or I'll strap ya so every pair of eyes are gonna be lookin' at us." He smirks when she went silent while he sits in front of her.

"They should've had violent reactions when you were carrying me if they care." She pouts.

"S'New York, baby. Always jacked up." He winks at her that made her roll her eyes and crosses her arms. "That scared ya though..."

"Of course. If anyone recognizes you, they'll blame me for the commotion and it'll cost my job."

"You think I'll let 'em do that?"

"No. Which is worse because they'll think I'm manipulating you or some sort." She sulks while he smirks even more, finding her cute at her current state.

"What would ya fancy eatin', baby girl?"

He asks to change the topic and totally ignores her rant.

"All I want s'a proper date with ya." He mutters bluntly.

"Date?" She widens her eyes.

"S'our what? Like seventh date, m'believin'."

"You're counting?" A smile fighting its way in her lips as he grins.

"Those are some memories, wouldn't ya say?" He grins wider. "Guess we're back to us again?"

She chuckles as she shakes her head. "You're such a dork."

"And you're so tiny. Was like carryin' a bag of cotton."

"Shut up."

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