Chapter Seventeen

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September 30th, 2019


The door opened, someone shouted my name, but I couldn't hear anything but silence. My soul was silent, my brain, my body, as I stared down at my blood-covered hands. I felt strong human arms wrap around me.

I looked up to see my mate looking down at me with fear in his eyes. He was talking to me, but it was like I was underwater. Who did this? What did I do?

I just wanted to live a peaceful life. I didn't want to be a queen. I didn't want to have a threat on my life. I didn't want any of this.

I saw the shadow flames start coming up from my body. My mate pulled me into his chest. The only sound breaking through my ears was his heartbeat.

His heartbeat was pounding loudly like he had just ran. I raised my hands and I gripped his shirt. I didn't know if I was the one shaking or if he was the one.

Then it all hit me.

"Get her into the bath! She is in shock!" Xion.

"She's not responding when I call her. I don't want to move her if she doesn't want to move." Zaiventh argued back.

"There is blood all over her. How the hell did this happen?" Xion was in panic, I heard the balcony window shut. Then there were footsteps coming towards us.

"I don't know. I don't know. Sheila. Sheila, please look at me." His plea kickstarted my brain back into motion. I raised my chin to look at him once more. Our eyes met and he took his two large hands cupped my cheeks. "We have to get you into the bath."

I nodded and started to stand. Vince wrapped a hand below my shoulders, helping me up. "Is it her blood?" Xion followed after us into the bathroom.

"No, I have no idea whose blood this is." The bath turned on, the sound filling up the entire bathroom.

"The Raven," I stammered out, "on the ceiling." I saw Xion dash from the room, then I heard him gasp.

"Call the guards!" I heard him shout. "It's a Warlock!"

I was sitting in a dark room, no sunlight, only candles. The kings looked grim and glanced at me every few seconds.

I sat to the right of the head, my mate at the head, across from his brother in arms. His hand was on my thigh, I'm a protective and soothing manner.

"Is everyone here." Xion's voice echoed in the hall. The kings glanced up and down the table, their head bobbing.

"I'm sure everyone has heard, and for the sake of Sheila we won't repeat it." Chills rolled down my body. "This is an act of war, we assume it's Kolgrim. Though we aren't for certain." There was a pause.

"What we do know is that whoever 'they' are, have decided to crossed the truce between the dead and undead. 'Thy shall not cause the endangerment of peasants through curses.' The fifth amendment of the warban." I cringed, what curse could they have put on me, did I have a curse on me.

"Stop all this chit chat." The Dwarven king slammed his fist on the table. "You want us to vouch our alliance to you." His eyes glanced between my mate and Xion.

    I saw Xion bob his head. "What if I don't want—" the dwarf started.

    "You are with us or against us." I heard my mate growl, he leaned forward. "And I promise you, that if you don't join us now, once we are done with the threat I will light you and your kingdom up like a firework." Chills rolled down my skin. His voice was as cold as ice.

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