Chapter Sixty-Four

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January 4th, 2019

[Important Message at the Bottom. Please Read... :,)]


    The most unsexy part about war is logistics. I stood there with a clipboard in my hand, checking off my checklist of food. "You," I pointed to a blue horned dragon, "grab someone and bring this over there," I first pointed to the stacks of grain and then to where the pack dragons were located. I saw him open his mouth to protest, "Oh? What were you doing before now?" I crossed my hands over my chest, the clipboard now at my waist, tapping my foot.

    "A-ah, n-nothing," he whistled for his friend to come over to where we are, "help me bring this," I waved them off after they said "goodbye, my queen," then went back to shouting orders. It was the break of dawn, the sun wasn't even in the sky, yet here we were working as hard as bees.

    Soon the piles of grain were done being distributed amongst their carriers, and I had a break to look out at the sunset peering up over the hills. I let out a sigh, my family was being covered by the light. Even though I knew that they were always with me, I now felt relief and safety in the darkness.

    "Sheila," someone placed a hand on my shoulder and I looked up to see Cebrus with a stern look on his face. "You fight alongside me," He squeezed my shoulder then launched into the air, having a gust of wind fly up into my face I was shocked still.

    It took me a moment to register inside my brain, "wait..." I huffed a smile on my face. I don't know if it was a compliment or an insult because he was the third king to tell me I'm fighting alongside them. Maybe they were worried about me dying again, but I knew that wasn't what I worried about.

    If I died, I died for a good cause. What was my main worry was making sure my mate or my friends didn't die alongside me. Because if I died, I died protecting the things I love, my mate, my friends, my people. I saw a shadow of someone and that snapped me out of my daydream. I knew that shadow.

    It was my father, or my 'father'. I frowned and watched him weave through the tents, then something hit me. Wait. Why was the werewolf king here? Shouldn't he be within his kingdom? They were the reserves after the number of casualties dealt in the last battle. "King Saarik," I shouted, rushing after him. He came to a halting stop.

    It pissed me off that I couldn't even call my father 'dad' like a normal child should. I came to a stop, he was huffing in my presents. He had grey eyes and greying black hair, just like myself. "Sheila-," relief was in his eyes then he stopped himself and re-address the situation, "Queen Sheila, Queen Maeve of the Faeries has surrendered."

    "Has Azai surrendered," I narrowed my eyes. I didn't give a damn what the queen had done to save her own skin, I want to know what the traitor had done. I saw my 'father' shake his head, then I just shrugged. "Then the attack must go on, though I will make sure she will be spared. Is that all, King Saarik?" His eyes widen and he nodded his head, I was dismissing him, and it felt so good.

    I turned on my heels, "go home King Saarik, you are not needed here yet." I smiled at the news that I had just received. If the queen of Faeries has surrendered, that means we could use them as a puppet country and use their men for this war. We could frame Azai's death as the death of a traitor so that the Faeries will be up in arms trying to redeem themself for the conflict. Everything that was needed was falling into place.

    I looked up at the sky once more, "they don't know what's coming."


    "Tell me why there are all four of us here?" Xion said looking down the row of people at Zaivinth, Myself, then Cebrus at the end.

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