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I awoke feeling a bit groggy. I noticed that Lazarus was not home at all. He left a note on the counter saying that he was gone to the gym and would be back later. I can't lie, I felt like he would of been excited to invite me to tag along. But that might just be my hormones talking. I walk back to my room and put on some workout clothes. I decided that it would be best if I went on a jog. I walk to the door and open it. To my suprise Lestat was standing there about to knock. He looked as if he was ready for a workout session.
"Perfect, can I join you?" He asked. I could feel something in the air. He was acting. A bit sus as if he knew something I didn't know. I ignored this feeling and nod. I lock the door and take off. He follows behind me. "So how are you feeling this morning. You haven't been getting any strange feelings or.. he trailed off. I could tell he was trying to make conversation and he was also a bit concerned. "I'm feeling okay. How are you?" I asked. "I'm doing well."He said catching up to me. He was now beside me jogging in perfect Synchronization.

I couldn't really figure out why I was feeling like this. But something is off. Almost like there was a sudden shift. "So what are your plans for the week?" He asked me. " I don't know. I'm gonna figure it out. I was supposed to work on some wedding stuff. But we will see if Lazarus is actually serious about his whole thing." I said avoiding eye contact. I could feel him eyeing me. "Why do you think he's not serious?" He asked me. I rolled my eyes almost automatically. I was too annoyed to let the emotions surface.

"He basically wants me to sign a contract so that I can be legally stuck with him for as long as he can have it all go his way. He also has a grand scheme to have more than one women. I'm not really with that to be honest. I like to be with one person and I want that person to be with me wholeheartedly." I said. I didn't want to say too much. I felt as if I was talking too much and honestly just making a fool of myself to even be talking about this.
"That's totally understandable. What if I were to present a deal to you." He said. I slowed down and came to a stop. I looked him dead in the eye. "What kind of deal Lestat?" I asked him knowing he was gonna pull some bullshit out fo his ass. "If he fucks up, I get you." He said with the most serious demeanor I've ever seen him with before.
"What?!" I questioned. "I get to  make you my mate. I will treat you a lot better than him. I will show you the world. Make you feel like a princess. You already know  the connections I have and things I can do. It's all on you. You have the ball in your court."He said.


I awoke to a loud crash in the kitchen. I can't lie to you and say that I didn't almost shit myself from pure terror. I grab the empty wine bottle that was on my bedside table and tip toed to the door. I open it to a crack and peak out. I don't see anyone. I open it wider and walk down the dark hall. I turn the corner and swing the bottle. Only for it to be grabbed from my hard grasp. "What the hell are you doing?" Lazarus asked me. I looked at him. His hair was disheveled and shirt was halfway buttoned. He had hickies all over his neck.

I break eye contact from him and turn around. I walk straight to my room and lock the door. I couldn't seem to figure out what I may have done to him to deserve this kind of treatment. It's fucked up how he could be so close to me one  day and a complete pig the next day. I felt so week, I walked back to bed and fell into a deep slumber.
I woke up later that day and decided that I would go to bourbon street and do some drinking. I shower and put myself together. I didn't care much for the makeup. I put on a harem pants and tube top. I put my hair in a bun. I grab my wallet and leave the house.
I walked down the street. I could feel something following me. Every time I turned around I didn't  see anyone. Just normal people, doing normal thing. I walked into a bar and took a seat a table in the back. The tender came and asked what I wanted. Could I get about five shots of rum  in a daiquiri?" I asked. She nodded and walked away. I took the cash out and placed it on the table. She came back not long after with the giant cup of goodness.
I thank her and leave the bar. I continue to walk until I came into contact with the cemetery. It's actually interesting, I heard the famous voodoo queen is buried in there. I walk to the entrance and to my surprise it's open. I walk inside and follow the main path.

The drink was starting to kick in not long after. I felt myself getting a bit flustered and feeling more outgoing than usual. I was too dumb to realize that it was because I was being followed by two demons. I turned around to see the two men dressing in cloaks. They had long fingernails and the most human faces I've ever seen. It's just that their eyes glowed red and black. I didn't know what to do I didn't even have a weapon. I dropped my drink and ran as fast as I could. I hid behind the vooodo queen's tomb. I picked up one of the bars that seemed to have fallen out of a nearby tomb. 

The demons passed by not even noticing me. I sneak up behind them. I wack one as hard as I could in the head with the bar. He disintegrated the other one turn and I lunged  the steel into his stomach. He disintegrated right after. I drop the steel and walk over to her tomb. I collect a bit of dirt from around it and walk in the direction towards the main quarters. I couldn't help but feel like a butterfly caught in a spiders web.

INCUBUS KING *Editing*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora