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Words couldn't explain the emotions I was feeling right now. I stared at my reflection in the bathroom mirror. I'm beyond livid, how could I be so stupid? How could I have allowed myself to be played by this fucking...


...all that shit about him not playing games serious' he wants us to be and he has a whole fucking child!

Two fucking children!


I threw my phone to the wall completely shattering it.

Khyle's POV

It was going on seven pm and I got off at four, to say that Skie was late was an understatement. To make matters even worse he wasn't picking up his phone or answering any of my text messages.

"Hey, you need a ride? I can give you one if you need it?" Tamera asked while holding her Chanel bag. She's been fucking with me ever since I came here, and yeah I fucked her once but that was way before me and Skie ever met.

"Nah I'm good thanks though. Bae should be pulling up any minute now." For a minute she looked slightly offended but then, brushed it off with a flip of her hair, seeming unphased.

"You sure? I mean it's getting really late and..." I tuned her out and listened as Skie's phone was no longer ringing, it was replaced with his voicemail. Now I knew that something was wrong. I tried to call his brother's phone but that just kept ringing as well.

"You know what Tamera, I would love a ride." I hopped in and gave her the directions to Skie's house. The ride was filled with me saying random yes's and no's, and before I knew it I was at Skies' house.

"Thanks for the ride I'll see you tomorrow at work."

"Whatever..." she sucked her teeth and drove away after I closed the door. I looked in the yard to see that my car was still parked in the same spot I left it in and the passenger door was slightly ajar.

"The hell...?" I grabbed my key from the passenger's seat and got out pressing the 'lock' button completely turning off the engine and locking the doors.

Skie must've been really high and blacked out because-

"You need to right fucking now!" Alix said coming down the stairs with a once-white towel now stained with," what the fuck Alix is that blood?" I asked him trying to check if he was alright.

"How could you?! Do you know what you've done to him? He was doing so good, but no you just had to fuck it up right?" he said with his face stained with tears.

I shook my head confused, "man Alix, I honestly don't know what you're talking about, where's Skie?"

He shook his head and walked off not answering me. I sighed and walked up the stairs to Skie's room. When I walked in I thought it was a murder scene, my heart rate instantly picked up. What was once a clean white room, now looked like a category five hurricane passed through it.

His bed was flipped over, his long head to toe mirrors were shattered on the ground, and blood specks surrounded it. I ran over to his bathroom to see if he was in there but got a punch straight to the nose, ...and it didn't end there.

Skie was throwing everything he had at me and, I couldn't understand why and I also couldn't bring myself to hit him back." Baby st-op..." I could hardly get any words out as he pounded my body ruthlessly. I knew if I hit him back he would lose total control, so the next move for me to do was to hug him.

"LET ME GO! You're a fucking liar Khyle... don't fucking touch me, you sickly bitch!" He screamed in me ears but I continued to hug him in a bear hug. I didn't know what I did wrong.

"I'm sorry baby, for whatever I did I'm sorry." he struggled against me and bit my arm causing me to loosen my grip, and he broke free starting his punching again, getting me good on my jaw and upper chest area.

I once again gave him a bear hug, this time from the back, and told him how sorry I was.

"Baby what I do huh? Tell me," he was breathing hard and his heartbeats were moving a dangerous speed. "Calm down Skie."

"Get out, Khyle, and let me go, don't touch me.... you're a horrible person," he said finally breaking down into a sob. I started crying myself.

"Baby please, stop saying that. I don't know what I did wrong. Please tell me what I did to you." He shook his head and I felt the fight in him finally diminishing.

He kept telling me to leave him alone and to get out of their house, but I wasn't going any fucking where. I kissed and hugged him tightly, showing him that I'm willing to take everything he was gonna throw at me.

"I love you Skie. I would never hurt you, boy you have my whole heart, there's no one else I swear to you."

Skie's POV

I felt him, everything in me was saying to fight him but my heart is pleading for me to forgive him. It hurts so bad.

"Please leave me alone."

"I'm not going anywhere"

I couldn't stop the tears from falling, I'm so fucked up. I needed to be alone.

"please Khyle, I'll hurt you even more"

" if it makes you feel better go ahead."

I turned around and buried my face in his chest, as he rubbed circles in my back. Before I knew it I blacked out.


You a tough cookie you know that? Got a mean right hook like your moma

Daddy? Oh my God daddy, I missed you so much! Why'd you leave us? It's all my fault right, I know it is I'm so sorry..."

"Shhh..., it was my time buddy, nothing is your fault. I promise. Life just dealt us a bad hand is all."

"Daddy please come back to us, I'm tired and me and Alix are alone I-I don't know what I'm doing."

"Come on now that's not the boy I raised, and I want you to know that you are never alone. Me and your mom are always gonna be watching over you and your brother...Speaking of your mother I just remembered she's waiting on me.

He began to fade away as a bright light shone above us.


"Remember Skie God give's his hardest battles to his strongest soldiers, he's not gonna give you more than you could bear...I love you my son, but daddy gotta go buddy."

"waaait! stoop!" I tried to chase after him but I couldn't catch him in time...

I love you dad...

Skei and Alix's Dad in the MM.

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