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"Now when we go inside, please don't act polite or too over the top on being respectful. My parents would see straight through that, my dad especially and he'll call you out on it."

I nodded my head and proceeded to get out of the car. I honestly wasn't planning on being fake anyway. If they had a problem with me that's their business, they could take it up with someone that actually gave a fuck. I honestly couldn't stand rich people. It's always something with them. 

Fucking prestigious assholes.

When we walked inside I was awestruck again. The architectural designs on the insides were something out of this world. I could see my reflection on the marble floors and the wood on the walls in the foyer, looked rich as shit, you could tell it was mahogany or African blackwood. There were glass fixtures literally everywhere, paintings of abstract art also pictures of black leaders from around the world.

I looked at Khyle and quickly linked my arm with his. I know for a fact my clumsy ass would break something, and I already can't afford a new phone. If something breaks I'll blame it on him. 

It seemed as if nobody was home since the house was so quiet, but I could smell food or soup brewing somewhere in the kitchen, I'm assuming. 

We finally made it into the living room area and I was amazed again. My eyes basically had an orgasm form all the different colors. From the sparkling chandelier that hung gracefully from the ceiling, down to the white plush carpet and furniture. Everything seemed as if they were designed from Victoria Hagan herself.

I looked at the back of Khyle's head and contemplated slapping him," I think this house is a little more than alright. Seriously, who da hell is ya parents? And why you move by yaself? Boy if my house did look like this I wasn't leaving at all. Your apartment is shitty compared ta this."

He gave me a dirty look and I shrugged, it was the truth." Really? My school is like forty-five to an hour away from here. Plus my folks kinda nosey so I wanted my own space."

"Still isn't a excuse to keep ya apartment lookin' like that, you need a good cutass with ya spoiled self."

He shook his head and mushed my face with his hand," Dad!" He screamed out and took off his shoes and rested them on a shoe wrack. I did the same and walked over to a wall that had pictures of his- I'm guessing -his family. They were all beautiful people.

"Hey baby, you okay? You just missed your father." I looked back and saw a short light-skinned man hugging Khyle. Maybe it's an uncle or something.

"Dang it, where he went? I wanted you guys to meet my boyfriend." He motioned for me to come and I came beside him with a nervous smile. This guy is really attractive.

"Hi, I'm Skie Blair..." I held out my hand for him to shake and he shook it then hugged me afterwards. 

"Glad to finally meet the face behind all the stories my son told us about. Come, come let's sit down." His dad said pulling me into the living area." Well if don't know already, my name is Kareem and my husband's name is Derek, and yes we are a gay couple." He said answering my question before it even came out of my mouth. 

"Oh okay..." that's different.

 I looked at Khyle and he leaned forward kissing my cheek," I told you they wouldn't care." Well duh, because they were gay as well. 

I had so many questions.


"So how did you guys managed to get out of the fire?" I asked Kareem as he bounced one of Khyle's twin babies.

I've learned that the mother never named them, so their names on the card said baby girl and baby boy Marks taking after the mother's last name.

Khyle groaned and rolled his eyes at my question. I looked at him a little confused and watched as his other dad walked in with a beer in one hand and Khyle's other kid under his other arm. I smiled at that because he looked like he was holding a football. 

"Don't mind him he's the devil," Kareem said as Dereck chimed in." He's only groaning because what happened was that the fire had a little clearing. It seemed as if something supernatural cleared a way for us to walk out of the house. Trust me when I tell you this kid." Dereck continued," I had a brother that died from a car accident about a month before all that happened, and I can almost put my life on it that he cleared our way through the fire."

I sat there and looked at Khyle again with a teary smile... that's why he was always telling me to drive safely. My fuckin heart. I swear I love him with everything in me. He never ceased to pass my expectations. 

"I can believe that actually,"I took in a deep breath, here goes nothing... " Not too long ago I lost someone as well." I looked at them as Khyle stared at me in confusion." I lost my daddy to a fatal plane crash, they predicted false information for clear skies, but it turned out ta be a terrible snowstorm." I felt my eyes getting blurry as I remembered the day of his funeral ." We couldn't even bury him in a casket because h-his body was s-so torn apart...nobody survived" 

Khyle hugged me and whispered sweet nothings into my head, calming me down.

"I'm so sorry to hear that, I'm sure your mother is having a hard time coping as well, I can't imagine her pain," Kareem said wiping at a stray tear.

I shook my head," She gone as well, she died shortly after I was born from postpartum hemorrhage pains." I sighed and felt my body becoming empty, as my emotions began to go from sad to complete depression.

"Man that's tough to handle, and you're so young too. Both of you, your not alone right? Khyle also told us you have a twin brother- aww you want a hug? Come on bring it in." Kareem stood up and hugged me tightly. Soon after I felt another pair of hands and I looked to see Dereck hugging me as well.

"From now on, no matter what happens between you and Khyle, you can always have a home here with us."   

It felt be held like this from two loving parents... it felt damn good.

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