The Creeping Creatures

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A car is driven into a town called Gatorsburg, population 3. The car drives past houses which are abandoned and nearly destroyed.

Mother: Are you sure this is New York City?

Father: Yeah, absolutely, now, if I'm not mistaken this here is, uh, Broadway. What's that street sign say?

Mother: "Gator Avenue."

Father: Hm. I wonder how far Gator Avenue is from Broadway.

Tween Girl: According to this map, 2,000 miles.

Father: Well, in that case, we're going to need to fill up the tank, ha ha.

They pull into a gas station and the father exits the car.

Father: Hello? Hello, anybody there? Hello?

The father goes away from the car as the family's dog exits the car and starts to growl at something.

Tween Girl: Puddles!

Puddles runs away barking as the girl chases him.

Tween Girl: Come back!

Puddles enter a bush, and the girl looks for him.

Tween Girl: Puddles?

She sees something in the bush and reaches for it only to see a gator which is human size, and it is trying to attack her. The girl screams while running to the car.

Tween Girl: Gator Man!

Father: Oh, sweetie, there's no such thing as-

The gator hops out of the bushes and crawling on all four.

Father: Gator Man!

The father enters the car just in time before the Gator could get him. A second gator is on the front windshield as they speed off only to stop for Puddles.

Tween Girl: Puddles!

The dog hops in the car and they drive off. 

Y/N was with his friends in Fred's house, and they were bored out of our minds. They had no mysteries to solve in weeks.

Velma: Oh, I am so bored. We haven't had a mystery in I don't know when!

Y/N: Approximately three weeks, five days, three hours and twenty-one seconds... twenty-two seconds, twenty-three seconds, twenty- Whatever you get the point.

Daphne: Fred, I think I've read every magazine in your house. Huh, what's that?

Y/N: What's what?

Daphne reaches for a magazine, but Fred tries to stop her, but she pulls it.

Daphne: "Traps Illustrated?" Freddy!

Y/N: Wow, that's a new low... Even for you.

Fred: I, uh, I read it for the articles. In fact, it's where I got the idea for this little beauty.

They look and see one of Fred's traps.

Velma: Who do you expect to trap outside your front door?

The doorbell rings and the trap goes off trapping someone.

Fred: Let's find out.

They go to the door and see a mailman.

Mailman: I got a package for, uh, Fred Jones.

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