Escape From Mystery Manor

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Decades Ago 

A trick-or-treater goes up to the Darrow Mansion and knocks and the door opens.

Girl: Trick or treat!

The father, Cletus runs out the door with a gold, pizza slice-shaped object.

Cletus: You'll never get this from me, you little brats. Never!

The mother tackles him as the girl runs off. The father is dragged back inside at the father and mother fight.

Mother: It's mine!

The three children join in the struggle.

Sister: Give it to me!

Steve: It's mines!

Cletus: Can't have it!

The sister grabs the piece, but the mother pushes her and takes it. Cletus comes over and grabs it and pushes her away.

Cletus: Give me that.

The boy tries to grab it but is pushed away. Danny jumps from a chair and grabs the disk piece.

Cletus: Hey!

Danny: I have it! I have it!

They all then feel a rumble.

Danny: Huh? Daddy, mommy, what's going on?

The Darrow Mansion then sinks underground as everyone screams. 

In the present Y/N had a arm around Daphne as she is snuggled up to him.

Shaggy: So, are you to, like, dating now?

Daphne: That's right.

Velma: Congrats you two.

Y/N: Thank you Velma.

Inside the recording Booth Angel was about to play a record.

Angel: Angel Dynamite coming at you with the spinners spinning round for all you sinners in this town. Be right back. Dig?

She grabs a notebook and goes towards the gang as Y/N and Daphne get up.

Angel: Ok, kids, lay it on. And don't hold out on me.

Velma: Ok, here are the clues we have so far that we know are linked to the curse of the haunted treasure. One: the locket we found in the Crystal Cove caves, which has the pictures of Brad Chiles and Judy Reeves from the original Mystery, Inc. inside. Two: Professor Pericles. Also a member of the original Mstery, Inc. Who escaped from prison and vanished without a trace. Three: the Darrow family who disappeared, along with their mansion, nearly 75 years ago without a trace. Which leads us to four: Mr. E, a mysterious ally who's been leaving us clues to help solve this mystery, which we still haven't managed to solve.

Y/N: Not to mention he has a creepy obession with me.

Angel hands Daphne the notebook.

Angel: Mr. E left this on my doorstep last night.

Daphne: Weird. It doesn't have the standard letter "E" stamped on the front. "Dear diary, man, I dig Ricky. Last night I fantasized that he took me in his big strong arms on a magic carpet ride all the way to the mysterious perfumed gullies of Romancylvania." This belonged to Cassidy Williams of the original Mystery, Incorporated.

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