The Devouring

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Francilee Jackson's cooking show is back on live television.

Francilee: Well, howdy, y'all. It is such a pleasure cooking in front of a live studio audience here in beautiful Crystal Cove. Today we'll be cooking up a batch of goodness I call FranciLee Jackson's double-dip bacon and butter-breaded croissant snack. Mmm-mmm. Now, a lot of you folks at home been asking if I worry about my recipes aren't the healthiest. All I got to say is, I ain't no doctor, y'all. While that's simmering, we'll start prepping my dessert. I call it FranciLee Jackson's bacon bread pie.

Her double-dip bacon and butter-bread croissant flats boil over.

Francilee: Oh! Oh! Oh! Now, don't worry, y'all. If this happens at home, just throw in another bacon butter.

A demon emerges from Francilee cook.

Francilee: No. No! Get back!

The demon swallows her. Rick Spartan and Cachinga are watching and set out to solve the mystery.

Dr. Spartan: Danger, Cachinga. Ready your spear. This is a job for Rick Spartan, academic of adventure.

Cachinga: Oh, joy. A road trip.

At Destroido, Pericles has been locked out of the computer system.

Computer: Access denied.

Professor Pericles: Eagle and gaensebluemchen. Ricky! Ricky, what have you done? I've been locked out of the system.

Mr. E: I know. I did it on purpose. You're out of control, Professor Pericles, and I'm putting a stop to it. I'm in charge. I build Destroido from the ground up, while you were cooling your beak in prison. It's time that I-

Professor Pericles slaps him to the ground.

Professor Pericles: You are in charge of nothing, Ricky Owens. You have never been anything other than an idiotic human mascot, a shoulder for me to perch upon.

In the Rogers mansion, Scooby and Y/N are both in bed, scared.

Shaggy: Come on, Scooby and Y/N, old buddies. I'm worried about you both. Scooby only had three breakfasts and two lunches. You gotta eat, pal.

Scooby: I don't feel good, Raggy. I'm scared. Nova sat up. She sat up in her hospital bed and spoke. She said "Nibiru, Nibiru is coming. " It's too much! It's too much!

Y/N: You think that's bad? Try seeing your dead parents rise from the grave, saying the same thing Nova said!

Fred: It is definitely something. Nova doesn't speak, ever and Y/N's parents are dead.

Velma: And the more I research this Nibiru, the less I think I know. I borrowed this book from my mother, hoping it would help.

Shaggy: "Supernatural curses and the extradimensional forces behind them." You think maybe Nova and Y/N's parents cursed?

Velma: This whole town is cursed. We got used to crazy criminals pretending to be monsters all the time. But things are different. This, I can't explain.

Fred: It must have something to do with the treasure buried under Crystal Cove.

Fred: The one the Planospheric Disc should lead us to, but instead, it keeps leading us to strange old objects, like the flintlock and the Conquistador's helmet.

Velma: The first and second key, to what and why, I don't know. Gang, for the first time in our history as mystery-solvers, we have to consider that something truly supernatural is happening here.

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