The Shrieking Madness

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In the Campus Burger, a Harlan Ellison fan ridicules a group of students who are reading H.P. Hatecraft's book "Char Gar Gothakon: The Beast That Hath No Name".

Male 1: "The Shrieking Madness of Char Gar Gothakon: The Beast That Hath No Name?" You're actually reading this?

Male 2: The professor is a great writer. His stuff is spooky.

Male 1: Hatecraft is a total fake. He says he's just writing what demons from dark dimensions tell him. Please!

Male 2: How do you know they're not true? Um, because I have a brain? Wait until Harlan Elison speaks here next week. He's a real writer. He'll set you bozos straight about Hatecraft. Later.

He walks out to the car park.

Male 1: "Char Gar Gothakon: The Beast That Hath No Name." How can Professor Hatecraft name the creature in the title then say it has no name. Ridiculous.

He then smells something.

Male 1: Oh! What is that smell?

He looks around and sees nothing and he continues to walk as a silhouette approaches him. He turns and sees Char Gar Gothakon. It lets out a massive scream knocking away everything as the student runs away.

Male 1: Oh! Please! Stop!

He then gets launched in the air and lands on a car as Char Gar Gothakon approaches him.

Male 1: Please. Please! No!

Char Gar Gothakon attacks him. 

At Darrow University, Barty and Nan Blake drop Daphne off.

Barty: Now, Daphne, chin up. Spending some time away from your little mystery club will do you some good.

Nan: Stop by the building we paid for and if you see any professors remind them your sisters all graduated from Darrow University by the time, they were thirteen.

Daphne: I'm only visiting this school because you want me to, mom. What if Darrow isn't for me?

Nan: A college good enough for the other Blake girls isn't good enough for you? Oh, Daphne. Sometimes I wish we would have had a boy.

Daphne exits the car. Mayor Jones drops Fred off.

Mayor Jones: Fred, go straight to my old fraternity and drop my name. They have to let you in. No matter how much you talk about traps.

Fred: Man, it feels weird being here without the gang. Things sure have been pretty rough since Shaggy and Velma broke up.

Mayor Jones: By Grabthar's hammer, Fred! The Roger's kid chose a dog over a girl. What's he thinking? This isn't some reality show. Now, I've dreamed of the day you'd be humiliated by my fraternity. Don't blow this for me.

Angie Dinkley drops Velma off.

Velma: I can't believe I'm here the same day as my favorite author. Do you think Harlan Ellison will sign all my copies of his books?

Angie: I knew Harlan back in the day. Just tell him Cape Cod Dinkley sent you. He'll sign.

Colton Rogers drops Shaggy and Scooby off.

Shaggy: But, like, the best thing about Darrow University is the burger place on campus. They're known everywhere for their burgers.

Scooby: And, their French Fries, onion rings, and shakes.

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