The Hodag of Horror

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Scooby and Shaggy exit an ice cream shop as they eat ice cream, and they hear music, and they look see The Travelling Cabinet of Curiosities arrives in town and sets up in the main street. People begin to walk over as well as Shaggy and Scooby. The owner, Gene Shepherd comes to the stage.

Gene: Our long wait is over. I, Gene Shepherd, deliver unto your awaiting hungry minds my very own traveling cabinet of curiosities. Enter and be amazed.

A door enters and everyone goes in to view the exhibits, most of the stuff was creepy.

Shaggy: Like, I don't know about you, Scooby-Doo, but I feel like I'm walking through one of my nightmares.

Gene: Any and all of you good citizens that suffer neurological disorders of any kind must leave immediately.

They all walk over to him.

Gene: Straight from the primitive wilds of Wisconsin, that exotic land of calf tans and cheese, I give you the Hodag of Horror!

He lifts the curtain and a creature.

Shaggy: Like, hold on. That has to be the fakest-lookin' monster I have ever seen.

Scooby: Huh? I knew it was fake all the time.

Shaggy: Come on, Scoob, let's get out of here. This place is a rip-off.

Scooby: Uhh, but we didn't pay to get in here.

Shaggy: Oh, yeah.

They leave as later that night Daisy Blake is at her home doing her hair when she a bell jingles. A creature runs behind her.

Daisy: Huh?

She looks and sees the Hodag, and it attacks her.

The next night, the gang was with Fred as he talked with his parents.

Brad: Fred, I know it must be something of a shock for you to have your parents back in your life.

Judy: Your real parents.

Brad: Thanks, Judy.

Judy: You're welcome, Brad.

Brad: So, we'd like to throw the floor open to any questions you might have. Anything at all.

Fred: Well, there is one thing. Why? Why did you stay away so long? Why didn't you come back for me?

Brad: To protect you, Fred. Mayor Jones was far too dangerous. He threatened to do you harm.

Judy: Bodily harm.

Brad: Yes. Thanks, Judy. He threatened to you bodily harm if we came back.

Judy: We're so sorry. We really are.

Fred: It's ok. I mean, you were just looking out for me, right?

Velma: Well, you should know your Freddy is an extraordinary trap maker.

Shaggy: Like, yeah. He's the best.

Scooby: An expert.

Brad: Oh, really? Judy and I do a little something with traps ourselves.

Judy: We dabble.

Brad: Have any of you heard of sternum and sternum?

Fred: Sure. They're famous. A husband and wife team of trap-making mystery solvers. They invented the Flautnower 8000. Wait. Hold the phone. You mean you're the sternums?

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