Battle of the Humungonauts

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Sheriff Stone and Mayor Jones are relaxing in the Tiki Tub restaurant, listening to Trini Lee's new song, "The Words Stuck in My Throat".

Sheriff Stone: You know, I got to hand it to you, mayor. Crystal Cove needed a trendy hot spot like the Tiki Tub, and you delivered. The local hep cat are going to dig this crazy joint.

Mayor Jones: Just one more check on the to-do list that will turn Crystal Cove into the cultural slash paranormal center of the world. And let me congratulate you, sheriff, on how quiet things have been around town. In the words of Abraham Lincoln "A quiet town is a place where people like to spend money."

Trini finished singing and people clapped.

Trini: Thank you. Thank you, everyone.

Man 1: What?

A giant green monster shows up and wrecks the entire restaurant as people flee. Once, the monster leaves Sheriff Stone and Mayor Jones gets up while Jones is holding Trini.

Sheriff Stone: I sure hope you got insurance, mayor 'cause... I want to see that again! Encore! Encore! 

at Shaggy's house, Scooby looks for Shaggy.

Scooby: Raggy? R-a-a-ggy?

Man 2 (On Radio): Folks, are you worried about terrible things happening to you and the ones you love and not being able to pay for them? Then call the Max Minner insurance agency.

Scooby someone on the bed.

Scooby: Oh, there you are.

Scooby takes off the blanket and sees Harry.

Scooby: Oops. Sorry, Harry. Didn't mean to wake you.

He goes to the garden.

Scooby: Raggy! Raggy?

Scooby hears Shaggy laughing in the bushes.

Shaggy: Like, cut that out!

Scooby: Uh-oh. I'll save you, Raggy! Scooby-Doo to the rescue!

He jumps into the bush only to see Shaggy and Velma kissing.

Scooby: Zoinks! Did Scooby just-

Velma: Oh, yeah.

Scooby: Huh?

Velma: Ouch! My glasses are caught in your hair!

Shaggy and Velma walk to Scooby.

Shaggy: Oh, uh, hoo-uh, like, it's not what you think, old pal. Velma and me were just doing a staring contest right, Velma?

Velma: Right.

Shaggy: Huh! You, see?

Scooby: Stop it, Shaggy. I'm not stupid. Are you cheating on me?

Shaggy: Huh! C-cheating? Like, that is just, that's crazy talk, Scooby-Doo. Cheating? Huh! Please. I mean you're my dog.

Scooby: Raggy!

Shaggy: No! I mean, Scoob, old pal of mine. Um, I care... for both of you... equally.

Velma: Oh, really?

Shaggy: Yes, really. Like, help me out here.

Velma: No, I will not help you out here. Why don't you tell Scooby what's really going on between you and me?

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