King of Goldstone

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"Life doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful. "


I stood there frozen with my emerald eyes wide open at the entrance of the Hall while everybody turned towards me, passing me quizzical glances. I probably looked like a deer caught in the headlights and suddenly I really regretted leaving my room wildly and not enquiring more about my father's arrival. I also forgot to wear my tiara as usual. I am so getting scolded by my mother after this. Hope she forgets about this whole fiasco or I won't get to see the light of the day for a week at least.

I was debating in my mind whether I should go inside and greet them or turn in my heels, go to my bed chambers and wait for them to leave and then meet my father because my mother would surely be mad at me for not acting like a princess. I decided to silently retreat back towards my chambers slowly after sighing internally when Aria, my one and only best friend in this huge palace, comes towards me with her eyes narrowed and a frown etched on her beautiful face. Her chocolate brown eyes land on the open doors and she swiftly comes near me and places a diamond tiara full of rose patterns on my blonde crown braided hair. She then takes couple of steps back and smiles sheepishly while motioning for my frozen figure to go inside the hall. She is a weird girl? I know because I'm the weirder than her. I give her a small grateful smile and a small secret thumbs up, mentally noting that I owe her a big time for this. She always saves me from embarrassing myself. She deserves so much and all of my other friends too for bearing with me. I don't know what I'd be doing without having them deal with my problems.

I look towards the hall, my father and his guests were still looking at me, some smiling and some wide eyed, whereas my mother was shooting daggers at me with her eyes. What can I say I'm beautiful and I'm so in trouble after this. I gracefully walk towards my father, my head held high, parallel to the ground, my shoulders rolled back and a small graceful smile on my face. In situations like these, I always mentally thank my royal teacher for training me perfectly. She used to scold me for my childish behaviour. I pity her for having her assigned to me rather than other princess because I sure did my best to give her a hard time as a child but she still insisted on letting her train me to become a pious lady. She was very stubborn just like me and knew exactly how to tame me. 

I reach my mother, who is standing with some posh ladies. I lower myself in a curtsie and they all do the same.

"Oh my! You've grown alot since the last time I visited Highland. You look so pretty", an old lady says.

"Thank you", I say slowly and gracefully.

"Dear, what is wrong with your hair. It looks dishevelled. Didn't you brush them this morning?" Aunt Merry asks, ruining my mood as usual. She and her daughter need to stop their tongues from saying harsh things to me before I loose my cool.

"Oh no, Aunt Merry. This is a trending hairstyle these days. It's name is dishevelled locks. It's quite famous these days do you not know? You should certainly keep up with the new trends Aunt", I say feigning concern when all I am is celebrating happiness inside. They others ladies begin to laugh. That will teach her a lesson.

I excuse myself and gracefully head towards my father even though my feet hurt a lot due to running abruptly. Ignoring my mother's occasional stares, I lower myself in a curtsie when I am in front of him. He smiles at me and nods for me to stand up. I then look towards his guests and again do a curtsie in response to their bows and curtsies.

"This is my daughter, Princess Rose", my father introduces me, placing his hand on my back when I stand straight by his side.

"It's nice to finally meet you, dear", a man, who looked probably in his late 60's, said taking my hand and kissing it then letting go of it. "I am Robert, King of Goldstone."

At the mention of his name, my eyes widen, my jaw drops open and a gasp escape. So, he is the Great King Robert of Goldstone. Finally I'm meeting him in a person.


Hello amazing readers!

Hope you like this chapter. I am very bad at writing long chapters. So bear with me please.
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Have a great day!


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