My brother's marriage

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"We don't remember days, we remember moments. "


I woke up early today so that I can take time getting ready without worrying about getting late. I wore my maroon with full net sleeves gown.

It had a beautiful embroidery on its body and skirt. It was simple yet elegant. I wore my favourite bronze heels with it, matching with the embellishments. The maids did my makeup, applying maroon lip colour on my rosy lips. I have to say maroon suits me.

She braided my hair from both sides and clipped them at the back, letting my long blond curls to flow freely. This gown had a boat neck so I wore a beautiful heart shaped necklace around my neck and then finally place my bronze tiara on my head.

I looked at myself in the mirror and twirled. I look amazing. I thanked all the maids for their amazing work.

Aria hugs me and then shoves me out of the door to leave the palace, almost tripping me in the process. The maids were laughing behind me.

"You better prepare yourself before I come back, Aria", I say to her, all the while glaring at her.

"Ooh I'm scared. Sashay away, Rose. Shoo", she says waving her hand in hand.

I sit the car and in no time arrive at the marriage hall. According to the rules, the Royals had to stand with their partners at the weddings and unfortunately I had to stand with Ramsey. He was looking handsome in his tuxedo, his hair tousled nicely. Urgh why devils look good even when they scowl.

He offers me his arm and I accept it with a small fake smile. We walk inside after the bride and groom into the massive hall where I would be getting married in couple of days. I sighed at the thought of my wedding and shake my head to get rid of the thought. This action makes Ramsey to look at me.

"Are you okay?" Ramsey asks clearly concerned.

"Yeah Ram.... I mean Prince Ramsey. I am okay", I reply in embarrassment.

"You know you can call me Ramsey. I don't mind now that we are going to get married", he says shrugging his shoulders.

"But I don't want to get married to you. The thought alone frightens me. Wait, can't you talk to your father and ask him to cancel this wedding?" I asks him. Why didn't I think of this before. I'm sure he doesn't wan this marriage as well. I mean he's always glaring at me.

"And why would I do that?" He asks I  rage.

"Woah, calm down. I'm sure you don't like me just as I don't like you. It's clear both you and I don't want this wedding to happen so why pretend we are good with it", I state in a matter of fact tone.

"Y-yeah, but I don't think he will listen to me because I-I already tried that and didn't they ask for your permission before arranging this marriage or something?".

"No, they didn't or else I wouldn't be standing here with you", I say sighing and shrugging my shoulder. "Did they ask you?"

"About what?"

"Uh- no they didn't. I mean I came to know about it at the ball. You know after that announcement they made."

"Oh. Well now I have to spend my life with you. I was really hoping you could help us back out of it but alas!", I say down heartedly.

"Am I that unbearable for you to say it like that?", he says looking ahead at the newly married couple in a rather agitated tone. I swear he has some personality disorder that I have yet to find out about.

I scoff in an un ladylike manner and replied, "Asks the person who goes from hot headed to a cool one in a matter of seconds."

He simply rolls his eyes and excuses himself to meet his friends. I flip him off. It's not like I enjoyed his company or whatever.

The wedding went by very well. We celebrated all night and then went back to the palace. It ended amazingly. I was tired and my feet hurt so badly that after changing I slept like a log.


Hey amazing readers!

Our Charles is finally a married man! Did you enjoy his wedding? Because I didn't as I was so focused on Rose and Ramsey's conversation.

Make sure to comment, vote and share and also visit me on Instagram @missy_e24.


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